function Syntax { Write-Host Write-Host "Asc.ps1, Version 1.00" Write-Host "Returns the numeric ASCII value for the specified character" Write-Host Write-Host "Usage: " -NoNewline Write-Host "ASC.PS1 char" -ForegroundColor White Write-Host Write-Host "Returns: Numeric ASCII value of " -NoNewline Write-Host "char" -ForegroundColor White Write-Host Write-Host "Notes: The ASCII value is written to Standard Output (usually the screen)" Write-Host " as well as returned as `"errorlevel`"" Write-Host " If more than 1 character is passed on the command line, only the first" Write-Host " character will be used, the remainder of the string will be ignored." Write-Host " The `"errorlevel`" will equal the ASCII value, or 0 if no parameter" Write-Host " was passed, or -1 in case of errors or for this help" Write-Host Write-Host "Credits: Code to pass exit code as `"errorlevel`" to the calling batch file" Write-Host " or PowerShell script by Serge van den Oever:" Write-Host "" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-Host Write-Host "Written by Rob van der Woude" Write-Host "" $Host.SetShouldExit( -1 ) Exit } if ( $args.Length -eq 1 ) { if ( $args[0] -eq "/?" ) { Syntax } else { $input = $args[0] } } else { Syntax } if ( $input -eq "" ) { $input = [string][char]0 } [char]$char = $input[0] Write-Host ([byte]$char) -NoNewline # Pass exit code to calling batch or PowerShell script, by Serge van den Oever # $Host.SetShouldExit( [byte]$char ) Exit