@ECHO OFF :: CNVRTURLNT.BAT, Version 3.00 for Windows NT :: Converts Microsoft Internet Explorer Favorites to Netscape Bookmarks file :: Written by Rob van der Woude :: http://www.robvanderwoude.com :: Save initial environment SETLOCAL :: Save initial directory FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CD') DO SET STARTDIR=%%A :: Go to most recent "Favorites" directory if necessary. :: If you start this batch file in a Favorites directory, this step is skipped IF EXIST *.URL GOTO Header CD /D %USERPROFILE%\FAVORITES :Header :: If BOOKMARK.HTM already exists we'll just add the "favorites" :: to the existing file; but first we'll remove the closing tags IF EXIST BOOKMARK.HTM ( TYPE BOOKMARK.HTM | FIND /V /I "" > BOOKMARK.TMP IF EXIST BOOKMARK.TMP ( COPY BOOKMARK.HTM BOOKMARK.OLD DEL BOOKMARK.HTM REN BOOKMARK.TMP BOOKMARK.HTM ) GOTO Favorites ) :: Create the Bookmark file's header, using the PROMPT :: and ECHO ON technique to create the HTML tags > BOOKMARK.HTM ECHO ^ >> BOOKMARK.HTM ECHO ^