/* Dec2Hex.rex, Version 1.01 */ /* Parse command line parameters */ parse arg number dummy . /* Check command line parameters */ if number = "" then call Syntax if dummy <> "" then call Syntax if Pos( "?", number ) > 0 then call Syntax if DataType( number, "W" ) = 0 then call Syntax /* Convert the number and display the result */ say say number||" = 0x"||Right( D2X( number ), 8, "0" ) Exit 0 Syntax: say say "Dec2Hex.rex, Version 1.01" say "Convert specified decimal number to 8 digit hexadecimal" say say "Usage: DEC2HEX.REX number" say say 'Where: "" is your Rexx interpreter:' say " - Windows: REGINA.EXE or REXX.EXE, whichever you installed" say " - OS/2: no need to specify, just rename script to *.cmd" say ' "number" is any decimal number ranging from 0..2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF)' say say "Written by Rob van der Woude" say "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" Exit 1 Return