; DelTrash2.kix, Version 1.00 ; Empty the Recycle Bin, or remove only files older than the specified number of days ; ; Usage: KIX32 DELTRASH2.KIX [ /A:days ] [ /Q ] ; ; Where: days is the minimum age in full calendar days of files to be deleted ; (0 means delete everything older than today) ; /Q suppresses screen output (number of items and MBs) ; ; Notes: [1] This script requires BinManager by Tim Tabor ; http://www.cheztabor.com/BinManager/ ; [2] This script was based on Tim Tabor's own JScript sample ; ; Written by Rob van der Woude ; http://www.robvanderwoude.com $rc = SetOption( "Explicit", "ON" ) Dim $arrAge[1], $arrArgs[], $blnQuiet, $intAge, $intItems, $intSize, $objBin, $strArg, $strMsg ; Get BinManager object $objBin = CreateObject( "BinManager.RecycleBin" ) $intItems = $objBin.NumItems $intSize = $objBin.Size $arrArgs = GetCommandLine(1) $blnQuiet = 0 $intAge = -1 For Each $strArg In $arrArgs If UCase( $strArg ) = "/Q" $blnQuiet = 1 EndIf If InStr( UCase( $strArg ), "/A:" ) $arrAge = Split( $strArg, ":" ) $intAge = CInt( $arrAge[1] ) EndIf Next If $intAge = -1 $rc = $objBin.Empty( ) Else $rc = $objBin.DeleteOldItems( $intAge ) EndIf If $blnQuiet = 0 ? $intItems - $objBin.NumItems " items were removed from the Recycle Bin (" FormatNumber( ( ( $intSize - $objBin.Size ) / 1048576 ), 1, -1, 0, 0 ) " MB)@CRLF" $intSize = FormatNumber( ( $objBin.Size / 1048576 ), 1, -1, 0, 0 ) "The Recycle Bin still holds " + $objBin.NumItems " items (" + $intSize + " MB)@CRLF" EndIf Exit