; LoCase.kix, Version 2.00 ; Kix script to convert filename to all lower case ; Written by Rob van der Woude ; http://www.robvanderwoude.com if $filespec = "" goto Syntax endif $filename = dir( $filespec ) while $filename <> "" AND @error = 0 $commandstring = "%COMSPEC% /C REN " + $filename + " " + lcase( $filename ) shell $commandstring dir() loop quit 0 :Syntax ? ? "LoCase.kix, Version 2.00" ? "Kix script to convert filename to all lower case" ? "Written by Rob van der Woude" ? "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" ? ? "Usage: KIX32 LOCASE.KIX $FILESPEC=filespec" ? ? "Where: filespec specifies the file(s) to be renamed." ? " Wildcards are allowed, with the usual" ? " restrictions imposed by NT's REName function." ? quit 1