@ECHO OFF :: Check for: :: correct Windows version IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax :: at least 1 command line argument IF "%~1"=="" GOTO Syntax :: /? or -? as the first command line argument ECHO "%~1" | FIND "?" >NUL && GOTO Syntax :: if the batch file to be tested exists IF NOT EXIST "%~1" GOTO Syntax CLS ECHO. ECHO User Name : %UserName% ECHO Computer Name : %ComputerName% ECHO User Domain : %UserDomain% FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('VER') DO ECHO Windows Version : %%A ECHO Time and Date : %Date%, %Time% ECHO. ECHO Command : %* :: Enable delayed variable expansion SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: In case this batch file is started from :: an UNC path, map a drive letter first PUSHD "%~dp1" :: Remove the line containing the ECHO OFF command TYPE "%~1" | FIND /I /V "ECHO OFF" > "%~dpn1_Test%~x1" :: Collect the command line arguments for :: the batch file that is going to be tested SET Args= SET Dummy= IF NOT "%~2"=="" ( FOR %%A IN (%*) DO ( IF "!Dummy!"=="" ( SET Dummy=%%A ) ELSE ( SET Args=!Args! %%A ) ) ) :: Run the "stripped" temporary copy of the batch :: file with its arguments and log every command ECHO ON @CALL "%~dpn1_Test%~x1"%Args% > "%~dpn1_Test.log" 2>&1 @SET ReturnCode=%ErrorLevel% @ECHO OFF :: Remove the "stripped" temporary batch file DEL "%~dpn1_Test%~x1" :: Display return code and log file name ECHO. ECHO Return Code : %ReturnCode% ^(maybe^) ECHO Log File : %~dpn1_Test%~x1 :: Remove the drive mapping POPD :: Purge the local settings ENDLOCAL :: Wait 1 minute if the batch file was started by doubleclicking IF /I "%~0"=="%~f0" PING -n 60 >NUL 2>&1 :: Done GOTO:EOF :Syntax ECHO LogBatch.bat, Version 1.00 for Windows 2000 and later ECHO Run a batch file and log each individual command line and its result ECHO. ECHO Usage: LOGBATCH.BAT some_bat.bat [ optional arguments for some_bat ] ECHO. ECHO Where: "some_bat.bat" is the batch file to be logged ECHO. ECHO Note: "some_bat.bat" may have either a .bat or .cmd extension, ECHO but it MUST be a batch file, not an executable. ECHO. ECHO Issues: LogBatch.bat MAY fail on switches like ^/? or ^/A in ECHO some_bat.bat's optional command line arguments. ECHO The displayed value for the return code is not reliable. ECHO. ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com