using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace RobvanderWoude { class MessageBox { static readonly string progver = "1.34"; static bool timeoutelapsed = false; static string defaulttitle = String.Format( "MessageBox {0}", progver ); static int timeout = 0; static bool rcbutton = false; static MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; static int Main( string[] args ) { #region Initialize Variables string message = DefaultMessage( ); string result; string title = defaulttitle; MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; MessageBoxOptions option = MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly; bool buttonsset = false; bool defaultset = false; bool escapemessage = true; bool iconset = false; bool optionsset = false; bool useswitches = false; int rc = 0; #endregion Initialize Variables #region Command Line Parsing foreach ( string arg in args ) { if ( arg == "/?" ) { return DisplayHelp( ); } } foreach ( string arg in args ) { if ( arg[0] == '/' ) { useswitches = true; if ( arg.Length > 3 && arg[2] == ':' ) { string key = arg[1].ToString( ).ToUpper( ); string val = arg.Substring( 3 ).ToUpper( ); switch ( key ) { case "B": switch ( val ) { case "A": case "ABORTRETRYIGNORE": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore; break; case "C": case "OKCANCEL": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; break; case "N": case "YESNOCANCEL": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; break; case "O": case "OK": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; break; case "R": case "RETRYCANCEL": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel; break; case "Y": case "YESNO": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; break; default: rc = 1; break; } buttonsset = true; break; case "D": if ( !buttonsset ) { rc = 1; } switch ( val ) { case "1": case "BUTTON1": case "ABORT": case "OK": case "YES": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; break; case "2": case "BUTTON2": case "NO": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; break; case "3": case "BUTTON3": case "IGNORE": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; break; case "CANCEL": if ( buttons == MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel ) { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; } else { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; } break; case "RETRY": if ( buttons == MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel ) { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; } else { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; } break; default: rc = 1; break; } defaultset = true; break; case "I": switch ( val ) { case "A": case "ASTERISK": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk; break; case "E": case "ERROR": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; break; case "H": case "HAND": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Hand; break; case "I": case "INFORMATION": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; break; case "N": case "NONE": icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; break; case "Q": case "QUESTION": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Question; break; case "S": case "STOP": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Stop; break; case "W": case "WARNING": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; break; case "X": case "EXCLAMATION": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; break; default: rc = 1; break; } iconset = true; break; case "O": switch ( val ) { case "H": case "HIDECONSOLE": HideConsoleWindow( ); break; case "L": case "RTLREADING": option |= MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading; break; case "N": case "NOESCAPE": escapemessage = false; break; case "R": case "RIGHTALIGN": option |= MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign; break; default: rc = 1; break; } optionsset = true; break; case "T": rc = CheckTimeout( val ); break; default: rc = 1; break; } } else if ( arg.ToUpper( ) == "/R" ) { rcbutton = true; } else { rc = 1; } } else { if ( message == DefaultMessage( ) ) { message = arg; } else if ( title == defaulttitle ) { title = arg; } else if ( useswitches ) // If switches are used, only 2 "unnamed" arguments are allowed { rc = 1; } else if ( !buttonsset ) { switch ( arg.ToLower( ) ) { case "abortretryignore": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore; break; case "ok": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; break; case "okcancel": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; break; case "retrycancel": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel; break; case "yesno": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; break; case "yesnocancel": buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; break; default: buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK; rc = 1; break; } buttonsset = true; } else if ( !iconset ) { switch ( arg.ToLower( ) ) { case "asterisk": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk; break; case "error": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; break; case "exclamation": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; break; case "hand": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Hand; break; case "information": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; break; case "none": icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; break; case "question": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Question; break; case "stop": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Stop; break; case "warning": icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; break; default: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; rc = 1; break; } iconset = true; } else if ( !defaultset ) { switch ( arg.ToLower( ) ) { case "": case "abort": case "button1": case "ok": case "yes": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; break; case "button2": case "no": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; break; case "button3": case "ignore": defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; break; case "cancel": if ( args[2].ToLower( ) == "okcancel" || args[2].ToLower( ) == "retrycancel" ) { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; } else // yesnocancel { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button3; } break; case "retry": if ( args[2].ToLower( ) == "abortretryignore" ) { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2; } else // retrycancel { defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; } break; default: defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1; rc = 1; break; } defaultset = true; } else if ( !optionsset ) { switch ( arg.ToLower( ) ) { case "": case "none": optionsset = true; break; case "hideconsole": HideConsoleWindow( ); optionsset = true; break; case "noescape": escapemessage = false; optionsset = true; break; case "rightalign": option = MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign; optionsset = true; break; case "rtlreading": option = MessageBoxOptions.RtlReading; optionsset = true; break; default: // try if option is unspecified and argument is timeout rc = CheckTimeout( arg ); break; } } else if ( timeout == 0 ) { rc = CheckTimeout( arg ); } else { rc = 1; } } } if ( !escapemessage && message != DefaultMessage( ) ) { message = UnEscapeString( message ); title = UnEscapeString( title ); } // MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification allows interactive use by SYSTEM account (or any other account not currently logged in) option |= MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification; #endregion Command Line Parsing if ( rc == 1 ) // command line error { ShowConsoleWindow( ); return DisplayHelp( ); } if ( rc == 0 && timeout > 0 ) { result = AutoClosingMessageBox.Show( message, title, timeout, buttons, icon, defaultbutton, option ).ToString( ).ToLower( ); if ( timeoutelapsed ) { result = "timeout"; rc = 3; } else if ( result == "cancel" ) { rc = 2; } } else { if ( message == DefaultMessage( ) ) { message = DefaultMessage( ).Substring( 0, DefaultMessage( ).IndexOf( "\n\nNotes:" ) ) + "\n\nWritten by Rob van der Woude\n"; result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( message, title, buttons, icon, defaultbutton, option ).ToString( ).ToLower( ); Console.WriteLine( result ); if ( result == "cancel" ) { return 2; } message = DefaultMessage( ).Substring( DefaultMessage( ).IndexOf( "Notes:" ) ); } result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( message, title, buttons, icon, defaultbutton, option ).ToString( ).ToLower( ); if ( result == "cancel" ) { rc = 2; } } Console.WriteLine( result ); // Change return code if /R switch was used if ( rcbutton ) { if ( rc == 1 ) { return -1; // error } switch ( result ) { case "abort": return 1; // button 1 of AbortRetryIgnore case "cancel": switch ( buttons ) { case MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel: case MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel: return 2; // button 2 for OKCancel or RetryCancel case MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel: return 3; // button 3 for YesNoCancel default: return 0; // terminated without clicking a button } case "ignore": return 3; // button 3 for AbortRetryIgnore case "no": return 2; // button 2 for YesNo or YesNoCancel case "ok": return 1; // button 1 for OK or OKCancel case "retry": if ( buttons == MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore ) { return 2; // button 2 for AbortRetryIgnore } else { return 1; // button 1 for RetryCancel } case "timeout": return 4; case "yes": return 1; // button 1 for YesNo or YesNoCancel default: return -1; // error } } else { return rc; } } static int CheckTimeout( string val ) { int rc = 0; try { timeout = Convert.ToInt32( val ) * 1000; if ( timeout < 1000 ) { rc = 1; } } catch ( FormatException ) { rc = 1; } return rc; } static string DefaultMessage( ) { string message = "MessageBox.exe, Version " + progver + "\n"; message += "Batch tool to show a message in a MessageBox and return\nthe caption of the button that is clicked\n\n"; message += "Usage:\nMessageBox \"message\" [ \"title\" ] [ switches ]\n\n"; message += "Or:\nMessageBox \"message\" \"title\" buttons icon default [option] timeout\n\n"; message += "Where:\n\tbuttons\t\"AbortRetryIgnore\", \"OK\", \"OKCancel\",\n"; message += "\t\t\"RetryCancel\", \"YesNo\" or \"YesNoCancel\"\n"; message += "\ticon\t\"Asterisk\", \"Error\", \"Exclamation\", \"Hand\",\n"; message += "\t\t\"Information\", \"None\", \"Question\", \"Stop\"\n"; message += "\t\tor \"Warning\"\n"; message += "\tdefault\t\"Button1\", \"Button2\" or \"Button3\" or the\n\t\tdefault button's (English) caption\n"; message += "\toption\t\"HideConsole\", \"NoEscape\", \"RightAlign\",\n\t\t\"RtlReading\", \"None\" or \"\"\n"; message += "\ttimeout\ttimeout interval in seconds\n\n"; message += "Switches:\n"; message += " \t/B:buttons\tA = AbortRetryIgnore, O = OK,\n"; message += " \t\t\tC = OKCancel, R = RetryCancel,\n"; message += " \t\t\tY = YesNo, N = YesNoCancel\n"; message += " \t/I:icon \tA = Asterisk, E = Error,\n"; message += " \t\t\tX = Exclamation, H = Hand,\n"; message += " \t\t\tI = Information, N = None,\n"; message += " \t\t\tQ = Question, S = Stop\n"; message += " \t\t\tW = Warning\n"; message += " \t/D:default \t1 = Button1, 2 = Button2,\n"; message += " \t\t\t3 = Button3 or use the default\n"; message += " \t\t\tbutton's (English) caption\n"; message += " \t/O:option \tH = HideConsole, N = NoEscape,\n"; message += " \t\t\tR = RightAlign, L = RtlReading\n"; message += " \t/R\t\tReturn code tells which button\n"; message += " \t\t\twas clicked (see Notes)\n"; message += " \t/T:timeout\ttimeout interval in seconds\n\n"; message += "Notes:\n\nUse switches if you want to skip arguments.\n\n"; message += "Always specify buttons BEFORE specifying default.\n\n"; message += "Using the \"HideConsole\" option will hide the console window permanently, thereby disabling all console based user interaction (e.g. \"ECHO\" and \"PAUSE\").\n"; message += "It is intended to be used in scripts that run \"hidden\" themselves, e.g. VBScript with the WScript.exe interpreter.\n"; message += "Do not use this option in a batch file unless hiding the console window permanently is intended.\n\n"; message += "Linefeeds (\\n\u00A0or\u00A0\\012 and/or \\r\u00A0or\u00A0\\015), tabs (\\t\u00A0or\u00A0\\007), singlequotes ('\u00A0or\u00A0\\047) and doublequotes (\\\"\u00A0or\u00A0\\042) are allowed in the message string.\n"; message += "Unicode characters (e.g.\u00A0\"\\u5173\" for\u00A0\"\u5173\") are allowed in the message string and in the title.\n"; message += "By default, however, these linefeeds, tabs, quotes and Unicode characters will be escaped to allow correct display of paths.\n"; message += "Use option \"NoEscape\" to disable all character escaping except doublequotes.\n\n"; message += "The (English) caption of the button that was clicked is returned as text to Standard Output (in lower case), or \"timeout\" if the timeout interval expired.\n\n"; message += "When using the timeout feature, A window with the current MessageBox's TITLE will be closed, not necessarily THE current MessageBox.\nTo prevent closing the wrong MessageBox, use unique titles.\n\n"; message += "The timeout feature should not be combined with buttons Abort Retry Fail; if it is, the MessageBox will remain open even after the timeout expires, until a button is clicked, and then return the \"timeout\" result.\n\n"; message += "Unless the /R switch is used, the return code of the program is 0 if a button was clicked, 1 in case of (command line) errors, 2 if cancelled (this does require a Cancel button), 3 if the timeout expired.\n"; message += "When the /R switch is used, the return code of the program is 1 if button 1 was clicked, 2 if button 2 was clicked, 3 if button 3 was clicked, 4 if the timeout expired, -1 in case of (command line) errors, or 0 if the MessageBox is cancelled without a Cancel button being available.\n\n"; message += "Credits:\n\n"; message += "Code to hide console by Anthony on:\n\n\n"; message += "MessageBox timeout based on code by DmitryG on:\n\n\n"; message += "Written by Rob van der Woude\n\n"; return message; } static int DisplayHelp( ) { // Display the help text in 2 message boxes AND in the console DisplayHelpText( ); if ( DisplayHelpWindow( 1 ) != DialogResult.Cancel ) { DisplayHelpWindow( 2 ); } if ( rcbutton ) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } static void DisplayHelpText( ) { string message = DefaultMessage( ); message = message.Replace( "\n\n\t", "\n\t" ); message = message.Replace( "Usage:\n", "Usage:\t" ); message = message.Replace( "Or:\n", " or:\t" ); string[] lines = message.Split( '\n' ); foreach ( string line in lines ) { if ( line.Length < Console.WindowWidth ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( line ); } else { bool done = false; string remainder = line; string pattern = "^.{1," + ( Console.WindowWidth - 1 ) + "}[ $]"; Regex regex = new Regex( pattern ); while ( !done ) { if ( regex.IsMatch( remainder ) ) { Match match = regex.Match( remainder ); Console.Error.WriteLine( match.Value.TrimEnd( ) ); remainder = remainder.Substring( match.Value.Length ); if ( remainder.Length < Console.WindowWidth ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( remainder.TrimEnd( ) ); } done = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( remainder ) || remainder.Length < Console.WindowWidth; } else { Console.Error.WriteLine( remainder ); done = true; } } } } } static DialogResult DisplayHelpWindow( int part ) { // part is 1 or 2; 1 for first half of message, 2 for second half string message = DefaultMessage( ); if ( part == 1 ) { message = message.Substring( 0, message.IndexOf( "\n\nNotes:" ) ) + "\n\nWritten by Rob van der Woude\n"; return System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( message, defaulttitle, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification ); } else { message = message.Substring( message.IndexOf( "Notes:" ) ); return System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( message, defaulttitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification ); } } static string UnEscapeString( string message ) { // Unescaping tabs, linefeeds and quotes message = message.Replace( "\\n", "\n" ); message = message.Replace( "\\r", "\r" ); message = message.Replace( "\\t", "\t" ); message = message.Replace( "\\007", "\t" ); message = message.Replace( "\\012", "\n" ); message = message.Replace( "\\015", "\r" ); message = message.Replace( "\\042", "\"" ); message = message.Replace( "\\047", "'" ); // Unescaping Unicode, technique by "dtb" on message = Regex.Replace( message, @"\\[Uu]([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", m => char.ToString( (char) ushort.Parse( m.Groups[1].Value, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier ) ) ); return message; } #region Hide or Show Console // Source: public static void ShowConsoleWindow( ) { var handle = GetConsoleWindow( ); if ( handle == IntPtr.Zero ) { AllocConsole( ); } else { ShowWindow( handle, SW_SHOW ); } } public static void HideConsoleWindow( ) { var handle = GetConsoleWindow( ); ShowWindow( handle, SW_HIDE ); } [DllImport( "kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true )] static extern bool AllocConsole( ); [DllImport( "kernel32.dll" )] static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow( ); [DllImport( "user32.dll" )] static extern bool ShowWindow( IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow ); const int SW_HIDE = 0; const int SW_SHOW = 5; #endregion Hide or Show Console #region Timed MessageBox // Timed MessageBox based on code by DmitryG on // public class AutoClosingMessageBox { System.Threading.Timer _timeouttimer; string _caption; DialogResult _result; AutoClosingMessageBox( string message, string title, int timeout, MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions option = MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly ) { _caption = title; _timeouttimer = new System.Threading.Timer( OnTimerElapsed, null, timeout, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite ); using ( _timeouttimer ) { _result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( message, title, buttons, icon, defaultbutton, option | MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification ); } } public static DialogResult Show( string message, string title, int timeout, MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultbutton = MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions option = MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly ) { return new AutoClosingMessageBox( message, title, timeout, buttons, icon, defaultbutton, option | MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification )._result; } void OnTimerElapsed( object state ) { IntPtr mbWnd = FindWindow( "#32770", _caption ); // lpClassName is #32770 for MessageBox if ( mbWnd != IntPtr.Zero ) { SendMessage( mbWnd, WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero ); } _timeouttimer.Dispose( ); timeoutelapsed = true; } const int WM_CLOSE = 0x0010; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "user32.dll", SetLastError = true )] static extern IntPtr FindWindow( string lpClassName, string lpWindowName ); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto )] static extern IntPtr SendMessage( IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam ); } #endregion Timed MessageBox } }