@ECHO OFF REM PICTURE2.BAT REM Save current PROMPT SET OLDPRM=%PROMPT% REM Set PROMPT to display starting HTML tags PROMPT $LHTML$G$_$LBODY$G$_$_$LIMG=" REM Set ECHO on, insert 1 empty line and then set REM ECHO off again to actually display the prompt ECHO ON @ECHO OFF REM Set PROMPT to display HTML IMG tags PROMPT "$G$_$LIMG SRC=" REM Call secondary batch file PICTURE3.BAT REM for each GIF in the current directory FOR %%A IN (*.GIF) DO CALL PICTURE3 %%A REM Do the same for all JPG files FOR %%A IN (*.JPG) DO CALL PICTURE3 %%A REM Set PROMPT to display closing HTML tags PROMPT "$G$_$L/HTML$G$_$L/BODY$G REM Set ECHO on, insert 1 empty line and then set REM ECHO off again to actually display the prompt ECHO ON @ECHO OFF REM Restore original PROMPT PROMPT %OLDPRM%