param( [parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true )] [string[]]$hostnames = $Env:ComputerName, [switch]$V, [switch]$h ) if ( $h ) { Write-Host Write-Host "Ping.ps1, Version 2.00" Write-Host "Ping any number of hosts and return false if any of the pings failed" Write-Host Write-Host "Usage: " -NoNewline Write-Host "./Ping.ps1 [ hostname [ hostname [ ... ] ] ] -V" -ForegroundColor White Write-Host Write-Host "Where: " -NoNewline Write-Host "hostname " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline Write-Host "is a host or list of hosts to be pinged" Write-Host " (default: local computer)" Write-Host " -V " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline Write-Host "shows each host's name, IP address and result" Write-Host Write-Host "Note: Return code is 0 if pings to all hosts were successful," Write-Host " 1 if any ping failed or if help was requested." Write-Host Write-Host "Written by Rob van der Woude" Write-Host "" Exit 1 } function Ping-Host { param( [parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$hostname ) [boolean]$rc = $true try { $ping = ( New-Object Net.NetworkInformation.Ping ).SendPingAsync( $hostname ) while ( -not ( $ping.IsCompleted ) ) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } if ( $V ) { Write-Host $hostname -NoNewline if ( $ping.Status -eq "RanToCompletion" ) { Write-Host "`t" -NoNewline Write-Host $ping.Result.Address.IPAddressToString -NoNewline Write-Host "`t" -NoNewline Write-Host $ping.Result.Status } else { Write-Host "`tN/A`tFailed" } } if ( $ping.Result.Status -ne "Success" ) { $rc = $false } } catch { if ( $V ) { Write-Host $hostname -NoNewline Write-Host "`tN/A`tFailed" $rc = $false } } return $rc } $result = 0 foreach ( $hostname in $hostnames ) { if ( -not ( Ping-Host $hostname ) ) { $result = 1 } } Exit $result