Printing.exe, Version 3.04 Pause or resume printing, or flush all queued printjobs on the specified printer(s), or list all printers, their status and number of print jobs Usage: Printing.exe printer action [ option ] Printer: /A use All printers /D use Default printer /X:"regex" use all printers matching the regular eXpression name use the specified printer Action: /F Flush queued print jobs /L List printer name, status, and number of queued print jobs /P Pause printing /R Resume printing Option: /S:(N|S|J) Sort by printer Name (default), Status or # print Jobs Examples: PRINTING /D /P Pause printing on Default printer PRINTING PDF995 /F Flush print jobs of the printer named PDF995 PRINTING /A /R Resume printing on All printers PRINTING /L /S:J List all printers, Sort by # queued print Jobs Notes: Use doublequotes if the printer name contains spaces. With /L and no printer specified, All printers (/A) will be assumed. Credits: LINQ code to sort List of string arrays by Tim Schmelter: Test for validity of regex pattern based on code from: PrinterInfo code by Bas van der Woude. Written by Rob van der Woude