/* Rename file(s) to all lower case */ /* Written by Rob van der Woude */ /* http://www.robvanderwoude.com */ /* Parse command line parameters */ parse upper arg filespec dummy"/"option if dummy <> "" then call Syntax if filespec = "" then call Syntax if option <> "" then do option = left( option, 1 ) if option <> "S" then call Syntax end /* Initialize RexxUtil */ if RxFuncQuery( SysLoadFuncs ) = 1 then do call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs" call SysLoadFuncs end call SysFileTree filespec, "file.", "FO"||option if file.0 = 0 then call Syntax "FileNotFound" do i = 1 to file.0 newname = translate( filespec( "N", file.i ) ) say "1B"X||"[1;1H"||"1B"X||"[K"||newname||"0D0A"X||"1B"X||"[K"||"1B"X||"[1A" address CMD "@CMD /C REN "||file.i||" "||newname end EXIT Syntax: procedure expose filespec say if arg( 1 ) = "FileNotFound" then do say "File not found: "||filespec end else do say "UpCase - convert file names to all uppercase" say "Written by Rob van der Woude" say "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" end say say "Usage: UPCASE [ /Subdirectories ]" exit return