@ECHO OFF REM * Ask for USeR INPUT and store it in variable USRINPUT REM * OS/2 version REM * Written by Rob van der Woude SET USRINPUT= REM * Turn on ANSI key translation (translate Enter REM * key to F6+Enter sequence) and ask for input: ECHO Enter one word only . . . REM * Copy entered text to temporary file: COPY CON %TEMP%.\~USRINP.TMP REM * Turn off ANSI key translation and clear irrelevant screen output: ECHO  REM * Add empty line to temporary file. The empty line REM * will be used to stop DATE asking for new date. ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~USRINP.TMP ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~USRINP.TMP REM * Create a temporary batch file that will store the REM * entered text into the environment variable USRINPUT: TYPE %TEMP%.\~USRINP.TMP | DATE | FIND "):" > %TEMP%.\~USRINP.CMD REM * Create more temporary batch files. Add REM * more command line parameters if necessary, REM * as in: ECHO SET USRINPUT=%%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9>CURRENT.CMD ECHO SET USRINPUT=%%3>CURRENT.CMD REM * VOER.CMD and TYP.CMD are replacements for CURRENT.CMD for Dutch REM * OS/2 versions; add your own language versions if necessary: ECHO SET USRINPUT=%%6>VOER.CMD ECHO SET USRINPUT=%%4>TYP.CMD REM * This temporary batch file now sets the variable USRINPUT: CALL %TEMP%.\~USRINP.CMD REM * Display the result: ECHO You typed: %USRINPUT% ECHO. PAUSE REM * Finally, clean up the mess of temporary files: FOR %%A IN (%TEMP%.\~USRINP.CMD %TEMP%.\~USRINP.TMP VOER.CMD TYP.CMD CURRENT.CMD) DO DEL %%A