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Source code for easter.bat

(view source code of easter.bat as plain text)

  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. ECHO.
  4. :: Windows NT 4 / 2000 / XP only
  5. IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
  7. :: Localize environment and enable delayed variable expansion
  10. :: Command line check
  11. IF NOT [%2]==[] GOTO Syntax
  13. :: Determine current year
  14. CALL :ThisYear
  16. :: If no year is specified, use current year
  17. IF "%~1"=="" (SET Y=%ThisYear%) ELSE (SET Y=%~1)
  19. :: Is the specified year valid?
  20. :: Check if number
  21. FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=0123456789" %%A IN ('ECHO.%Y%') DO IF NOT "%%~A"=="" GOTO Syntax
  22. :: check if in range
  23. IF %Y%0 LSS 17520 GOTO Syntax
  24. IF %Y%0 GTR 30000 GOTO Syntax
  26. :: Array of month names used
  27. SET Month.03=March
  28. SET Month.3=March
  29. SET Month.04=April
  30. SET Month.4=April
  31. SET Month.05=May
  32. SET Month.5=May
  33. SET Month.06=June
  34. SET Month.6=June
  36. :: Calculate Easter Day using the instructions found at
  37. :: Simon Kershaw's "KEEPING THE FEAST"
  38. ::
  39. SET /A G  = ( %Y% %% 19 ) + 1
  40. SET /A S  = (( %Y% - 1600 ) / 100 ) - (( %Y% - 1600 ) / 400 )
  41. SET /A L  = ((( %Y% - 1400 ) / 100 ) * 8 ) / 25
  42. SET /A P1 = ( 30003 - 11 * %G% + %S% - %L% ) %% 30
  43. SET P=%P1%
  44. IF %P%==28 IF %G% GTR 11 SET P=27
  45. IF %P%==29 SET P=28
  46. SET /A D  = ( %Y% + ( %Y% / 4 ) - ( %Y% / 100 ) + ( %Y% / 400 )) %% 7
  47. SET /A D1 = ( 8 - %D% ) %% 7
  48. SET /A P2 = ( 70003 + %P% ) %% 7
  49. SET /A X  = (( 70004 - %D% - %P% ) %% 7 ) + 1
  50. SET /A E  = %P% + %X%
  51. IF %E% LSS 11 (
  52. 	SET /A ED = %E% + 21
  53. 	SET EM=3
  54. ) ELSE (
  55. 	SET /A ED = %E% - 10
  56. 	SET EM=4
  57. )
  58. IF %Y% LSS %ThisYear% SET IS=was
  59. IF %Y% EQU %ThisYear% SET IS=is
  60. IF %Y% GTR %ThisYear% SET IS=will be
  62. :: Calculate Ascension and Pentecost dates
  63. CALL :JDate %Y% %EM% %ED%
  64. SET /A ADJ = %JDate% + 39
  65. SET /A PDJ = %JDate% + 49
  66. CALL :GDate %ADJ%
  67. FOR /F "tokens=2,3" %%A IN ("%GDate%") DO (
  68. 	SET AM=%%A
  69. 	SET AD=%%B
  70. )
  71. CALL :GDate %PDJ%
  72. FOR /F "tokens=2,3" %%A IN ("%GDate%") DO (
  73. 	SET PM=%%A
  74. 	SET PD=%%B
  75. )
  77. :: Display the result
  78. ECHO In %Y% Easter Day %IS% !Month.%EM%! %ED%
  79. ECHO         Ascension Day %IS% !Month.%AM%! %AD%
  80. ECHO         Pentecost %IS% !Month.%PM%! %PD%
  82. :: Done
  83. GOTO End
  86. :GDate
  87. :: Convert Julian date back to "normal" Gregorian date
  88. :: Argument : Julian date
  89. :: Returns  : YYYY MM DD
  90. ::
  91. :: Algorithm based on Fliegel-Van Flandern
  92. :: algorithm from the Astronomical Almanac,
  93. :: provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math Forum
  94. :: (,
  95. :: and converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
  96. ::
  97. SET /A P      = %1 + 68569
  98. SET /A Q      = 4 * %P% / 146097
  99. SET /A R      = %P% - ( 146097 * %Q% +3 ) / 4
  100. SET /A S      = 4000 * ( %R% + 1 ) / 1461001
  101. SET /A T      = %R% - 1461 * %S% / 4 + 31
  102. SET /A U      = 80 * %T% / 2447
  103. SET /A V      = %U% / 11
  104. SET /A GYear  = 100 * ( %Q% - 49 ) + %S% + %V%
  105. SET /A GMonth = %U% + 2 - 12 * %V%
  106. SET /A GDay   = %T% - 2447 * %U% / 80
  107. :: Clean up the mess
  108. FOR %%A IN (P Q R S T U V) DO SET %%A=
  109. :: Add leading zeroes
  110. IF 1%GMonth% LSS 20 SET GMonth=0%GMonth%
  111. IF 1%GDay%   LSS 20 SET GDay=0%GDay%
  112. :: Return value
  113. SET GDate=%GYear% %GMonth% %GDay%
  114. GOTO:EOF
  117. :JDate
  118. :: Convert date to Julian
  119. :: Arguments : YYYY MM DD
  120. :: Returns   : Julian date
  121. ::
  122. :: Algorithm based on Fliegel-Van Flandern
  123. :: algorithm from the Astronomical Almanac,
  124. :: provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math Forum
  125. :: (,
  126. :: and converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
  127. ::
  128. SET /A Month1 = ( %2 - 14 ) / 12
  129. SET /A Year1  = %1 + 4800
  130. SET /A JDate  = 1461 * ( %Year1% + %Month1% ) / 4 + 367 * ( %2 - 2 -12 * %Month1% ) / 12 - ( 3 * ( ( %Year1% + %Month1% + 100 ) / 100 ) ) / 4 + %3 - 32075
  131. FOR %%A IN (Month1 Year1) DO SET %%A=
  132. GOTO:EOF 
  135. :ThisYear
  136. :: Export registry settings to a temporary file
  137. START /WAIT REGEDIT /E "%Temp%.\_Temp.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International"
  138. :: Read iDate and sDate from the exported data; more info on iDate can be found at
  139. ::
  140. :: and more info on sDate at
  141. ::
  142. FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('TYPE "%Temp%.\_Temp.reg" ^| FINDSTR /R /B /C:"\"[is]Date\"="') DO SET %%~A=%%~B
  143. DEL "%Temp%.\_Temp.reg"
  144. :: Detemine current year depending on registry settings
  145. FOR %%A IN (%Date%) DO SET Today=%%A
  146. IF %iDate%==2 (SET Token=1) ELSE (SET Token=3)
  147. FOR /F "tokens=%Token% delims=%sDate%" %%A IN ("%Today%") DO SET ThisYear=%%A
  148. GOTO:EOF
  152. :Syntax
  153. ECHO Easter.bat,  Version 3.00 for Windows NT 4 and later
  154. ECHO Calculate Easter day, Ascension day and Pentecost dates for the specified year.
  155. ECHO.
  156. ECHO Usage:  EASTER  [ year ]
  157. ECHO.
  158. ECHO Where:  year should be within the range of 1752..3000 (default: current year)
  159. ECHO.
  160. ECHO Note:   Easter day calculation based on Simon Kershaw's "KEEPING THE FEAST"
  161. ECHO         (
  162. ECHO         Julian date math algorithms based on Fliegel-Van Flandern algorithm
  163. ECHO         from the Astronomical Almanac, provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math
  164. ECHO         Forum (, and
  165. ECHO         converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
  166. ECHO.
  167. ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
  168. ECHO
  170. :End
  171. IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ENDLOCAL

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0253 seconds