@ECHO OFF IF "%~1"=="" GOTO Syntax IF NOT "%~2"=="" GOTO Syntax ECHO.%~1| FINDSTR.EXE /R /X /I /C:"N[0-9][0-9]*[0-9A-Z]*" >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO Syntax IF NOT EXIST MASTER.txt IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0MASTER.txt" GOTO Download IF NOT EXIST ACFTREF.txt IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0ACFTREF.txt" GOTO Download SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET NNumber=%~1 SET NNumber=%NNumber:~1% IF EXIST MASTER.txt (SET Master=MASTER.txt) ELSE (IF EXIST %~dps0MASTER.txt SET Master=%~dps0MASTER.txt) IF EXIST ACFTREF.txt (SET AcftRef=ACFTREF.txt) ELSE (IF EXIST %~dps0ACFTREF.txt SET AcftRef=%~dps0ACFTREF.txt) REM Loop through the MASTER table to find the manufacturer/model code for the specified N-number FOR /F "tokens=1,3 delims=," %%A IN (%Master%) DO ( IF %NNumber% EQU %%A ( REM The N-number is recognized, now loop through the ACFTREF table to convert the manufacturer/model code to meaningful text SET Found=1 FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=," %%C IN (%AcftRef%) DO ( IF %%B EQU %%C ( SET Aircraft=N%NNumber% REM Trim trailing whitespace from manufacturer name FOR %%F IN (%%D) DO ( SET Aircraft=!Aircraft! %%F ) REM Trim trailing whitespace from aircraft model FOR %%F IN (%%E) DO ( SET Aircraft=!Aircraft! %%F ) ECHO.!Aircraft! ENDLOCAL EXIT /B 0 ) ) ) ) ENDLOCAL REM This part of the code will only be reached if the aircraft wasn't found, hence returncode 2 EXIT /B 2 :Download ECHO. ECHO This script requires the FAA Aircraft Registry's Releasable Aircraft Database files in the current directory. ECHO Download and unZIP the files and restart this script in the directory where the unZIPed files are located. ECHO https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/releasable_aircraft_download/ ECHO. CHOICE.EXE /C YN /T 5 /D N /M "Do you want to open the download page now" IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 1 ( START https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/releasable_aircraft_download/ ECHO. ECHO Download and unZIP the database file, then restart this ECHO script in the directory where the unZIPed files are located. ECHO. ) EXIT /B 3 :Syntax ECHO. ECHO AirRegNCmd.cmd, Version 1.00 for Windows ECHO Search downloaded FAA registry database files for the specified aircraft ECHO registration number ^("N-number"^) ECHO. ECHO Usage: AirRegNCmd.cmd Nxxx ECHO. ECHO Where: Nxxx is a valid aircraft registration "N-number", e.g. N18906 ECHO. ECHO Example: AirRegNCmd.cmd N18906 ECHO will return: ECHO N18906 LOCKHEED 12A ECHO. ECHO Notes: This script requires the FAA Aircraft Registry's releasable ECHO aircraft database files either in the current directory or in this ECHO script's parent directory. The database files can be downloaded at: ECHO https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification ECHO /aircraft_registry/releasable_aircraft_download/ ECHO You will be prompted to open the download page if the database ECHO files aren't found. ECHO Neither this script nor its author are associated with the FAA. ECHO This script's return code ^("errorlevel"^) will equal 0 if the ECHO specified aircraft registration was found, 2 if it wasn't, ECHO 3 if the database files weren't found, 1 on command line errors. ECHO. ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude ECHO https://www.robvanderwoude.com EXIT /B 1