/* Read BIOS date from BIOS */ /* Display blank line */ Say /* Check for command line parameters (none required) */ Parse Arg strArgs If strArgs <> "" Then Call Syntax /* Disable unwanted screen output */ "@ECHO OFF" Trace Off /* Initialize variables */ rxCrLf = X2C( 0D0A ) strDbg = "D FFFF:0005 L 8"||rxCrLf||"Q" /* Define temporary file name */ Parse Source . . strSrc . filDbg = SubStr( strSrc, 1, LastPos( ".", strSrc ) ) || "dbg" /* Create temporary Debug script */ Call LineOut filDbg, strDbg Call LineOut filDbg /* Queue the date read from BIOS using Debug script */ "DEBUG < " || filDbg || " | RXQUEUE" /* Parse the info from the queue */ Do Until Queued( ) = 0 Parse Pull strDbg If Length( strDbg ) > 66 Then strBIOS = SubStr( strDbg, 67 ) End /* Close and delete temporary Debug script */ Call LineOut filDbg "DEL " || filDbg || " > NUL" /* Display result */ Say "BIOS date: "||strBIOS /* Normal program termination */ Exit 0 Syntax: Say "BIOSDate.rex, Version 1.00" Say "Display BIOS date" Say Say "Usage: BIOSDATE.REX" Say Say 'Where: "" is your Rexx interpreter:' Say " - Windows: REGINA.EXE or REXX.EXE, whichever you installed" Say " (tested with Regina Rexx only!)" Say " - OS/2: no need to specify, just rename script to *.cmd" Say Say "This Rexx script uses DEBUG.EXE to read the date from the BIOS" Say Say "Written by Rob van der Woude" Say "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" Say Say "Original idea by ComputerHope" Say "http://www.computerhope.com/rdebug.htm" Exit 1 Return