@ECHO OFF :: A not-too-serious attempt to calculate cosines using native batch :: commands only by Rob van der Woude, http://www.robvanderwoude.com :: Usage: COSINE.BAT angle :: Angle must be specified in radians :: Accuracy deteriorates fast with larger angles :: cos(x) = 1 - x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/g! + x8/8! - ... :: cos(x) = 1 - x2/2! + (x2/2!)*x2/(3*4) - (x4/4!)*x2/(5*6) + (x6/6!)*x2/(7*8) - ... :: 100 * cos(x) = 100 - (100)*((100x)2/(100)2)/2! + (100*((100x)2/(100)2)/2!)*(100x)2/(3*4*(100)2) - ... SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION :: pi/4 = 0,78539816339744830961566084581988 SET X=0.78539816339744830961566084581988 IF NOT "%~1"=="" SET X=%~1 :: The following sector converts the floating point value to :: an integer of 10000 times its value (correctly rounded); :: a lot of work to compensate for the lack of floating point :: math in batch :: Accuracy specifies how many digits will be used SET Accuracy=3 SET Factor0=1 FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%Accuracy%) DO SET /A Factor0 *= 10 ECHO.%x% | FIND "." >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( SET /A NewX = !X:~0,%Accuracy%! * %Factor0% ) ELSE ( SET DotPos= SET /A NewDotPos = 10 + %Accuracy% + 1 SET X=%X%000000000000 FOR /L %%A IN (0,1,10) DO ( IF NOT DEFINED DotPos ( IF "!X:~%%A,1!"=="." ( SET DotPos=%%A ) ) ) SET /A NewDotPos = !DotPos! + %Accuracy% + 2 ) IF DEFINED NewDotPos ( SET NewX=!X:~0,%NewDotPos%! SET NewX=!NewX:.=! SET /A NewX = "( 1!NewX! + 5 - ( 100 * %Factor0% ) ) / 10" ) SET Cosine=%Factor0% SET PrevFactor=%Factor0% SET Sign=1 SET /A NewX2 = %NewX% * %NewX% FOR /L %%A IN (2,2,12) DO ( SET /A Sign *= -1 IF !PrevFactor! LEQ 0 ( SET PrevFactor=0 SET Factor%%A= ) ELSE ( SET /A Factor%%A = "( !PrevFactor! * !NewX2! / %Factor0% ) / ( ( %%A - 1 ) * %%A * %Factor0% )" IF !Factor%%A! LEQ 0 ( SET PrevFactor=0 SET Factor%%A= ) ELSE ( SET /A Cosine = "!Cosine! + !Sign! * !Factor%%A!" SET PrevFactor=!Factor%%A! ) ) ) IF %Cosine% LSS %Factor0% ( SET Cosine=0000%Cosine% SET Cosine=0.!Cosine:~-%Accuracy%! ) ELSE ( SET Cosine=1 ) ECHO cos^(%~1^)=%Cosine% ENDLOCAL