using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Timers; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace RobvanderWoude { static class InputBoxWF { /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// public const string progver = "1.00"; #region Global Variables public const int defheight = 110; public const int deftimeout = 60; public const int defwidth = 200; public const string defaulttitle = "© 2019 Rob van der Woude"; public static MaskedTextBox maskedtextbox; public static TextBox textbox; public static RegexOptions casesensitivity = RegexOptions.None; public static bool asciionly = false; public static bool filtered = true; public static bool oddrow = false; public static bool ontheflyregexset = false; public static bool password = false; public static bool timeoutelapsed = false; public static bool usemask = false; public static bool regexset = false; public static bool returnunmasked = false; public static bool sendoutputtoclipboard = false; public static string currentinput = String.Empty; public static string defanswer = "Default answer"; public static string ontheflypattern = ".*"; public static string outputfile = string.Empty; public static string previousinput = String.Empty; public static string regexpattern = ".*"; #endregion Global Variables [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles( ); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false ); string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs( ).Skip( 1 ).ToArray( ); InputBox( arguments ); } [STAThread] static int InputBox( string[] args ) { // Based on code by Gorkem Gencay on // #region Initialize variables const string deftitle = "Title"; const string deftext = "Prompt"; bool heightset = false; bool showpassword = false; bool timeoutset = false; bool widthset = false; string input = string.Empty; string mask = String.Empty; string showpasswordprompt = "Show password"; string text = deftext; string title = deftitle; int height = defheight; int timeout = 0; int width = defwidth; string cancelcaption = "&Cancel"; string okcaption = "&OK"; string localizationstring = String.Empty; bool localizedcaptionset = false; #endregion Initialize variables #region Command Line Parsing if ( args.Length == 0 ) { return ShowHelp( ); } foreach ( string arg in args ) { if ( arg == "/?" ) { return ShowHelp( ); } } text = String.Empty; title = String.Empty; defanswer = String.Empty; foreach ( string arg in args ) { if ( arg[0] == '/' ) { if ( arg.Length == 1 ) { return ShowHelp( ); } else if ( arg.Length == 2 ) { switch ( arg.ToString( ).ToUpper( ) ) { case "/A": if ( asciionly ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /A" ); } asciionly = true; break; case "/C": if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( outputfile ) ) { return ShowHelp( "Command line switches /C and /E are mutually exclusive" ); } if ( sendoutputtoclipboard ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /C" ); } sendoutputtoclipboard = true; break; case "/E": if ( sendoutputtoclipboard ) { return ShowHelp( "Command line switches /C and /E are mutually exclusive" ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( outputfile ) ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /E" ); } sendoutputtoclipboard = false; outputfile = Path.Combine( Directory.GetParent( Application.ExecutablePath ).FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( Application.ExecutablePath ) + ".tmp" ); break; case "/I": if ( casesensitivity == RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /I" ); } casesensitivity = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; break; case "/L": if ( localizedcaptionset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /L" ); } localizedcaptionset = true; break; case "/M": return HelpMessage( "mask" ); case "/N": if ( !filtered ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /N" ); } filtered = false; break; case "/P": if ( password ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /P" ); } password = true; break; case "/S": if ( showpassword ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /S" ); } showpassword = true; break; case "/T": if ( timeoutset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /T" ); } timeout = deftimeout; timeoutset = true; break; case "/U": if ( returnunmasked ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /U" ); } returnunmasked = true; break; default: return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line switch {0}", arg ); } } else if ( arg.Length > 3 && arg[2] == ':' ) { switch ( arg.Substring( 0, 3 ).ToUpper( ) ) { case "/E:": if ( sendoutputtoclipboard ) { return ShowHelp( "Command line switches /C and /E are mutually exclusive" ); } if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( outputfile ) ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /E" ); } sendoutputtoclipboard = false; outputfile = String.Format( "^{0}$", arg.Substring( 3 ) ); break; case "/F:": if ( ontheflyregexset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /F" ); } ontheflypattern = String.Format( "^{0}$", arg.Substring( 3 ) ); ontheflyregexset = true; break; case "/H:": if ( heightset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /H" ); } try { height = Convert.ToInt32( arg.Substring( 3 ) ); if ( height < defheight || height > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid screen height: \"{0}\"\n\tHeight must be an integer between {1} and {2} (screen height)", arg.Substring( 3 ), defheight.ToString( ), Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height.ToString( ) ); } heightset = true; } catch ( FormatException e ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid height: \"{0}\"\n\t{1}", arg.Substring( 3 ), e.Message ); } break; case "/L:": if ( localizedcaptionset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /L" ); } localizedcaptionset = true; localizationstring = arg.Substring( 3 ); break; case "/M:": if ( usemask ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /M" ); } mask = arg.Substring( 3 ).Trim( "\"".ToCharArray( ) ); if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( mask ) ) { ShowHelp( "No mask specified with /M" ); Console.WriteLine( "\n\n" ); return HelpMessage( "mask" ); } usemask = true; break; case "/R:": if ( regexset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /R" ); } regexpattern = arg.Substring( 3 ); regexset = true; break; case "/S:": if ( showpassword ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /S" ); } showpassword = true; showpasswordprompt = arg.Substring( 3 ); break; case "/T:": if ( timeoutset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /T" ); } try { timeout = Convert.ToInt32( arg.Substring( 3 ) ) * 1000; if ( timeout < 1000 ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid timeout: \"{0}\"\n\tTimeout value must be a positive integer, at least 1.", arg.Substring( 3 ) ); } timeoutset = true; } catch ( FormatException e ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid timeout: \"{0}\"\n\t{1}", arg.Substring( 3 ), e.Message ); } break; case "/W:": if ( widthset ) { return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /W" ); } try { width = Convert.ToInt32( arg.Substring( 3 ) ); if ( width < defwidth || width > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid screen width: \"{0}\"\n\tWidth must be an integer between {1} and {2} (screen width)", arg.Substring( 3 ), defwidth.ToString( ), Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width.ToString( ) ); } widthset = true; } catch ( FormatException e ) { return ShowHelp( "Invalid width: \"{0}\"\n\t{1}", arg.Substring( 3 ), e.Message ); } break; default: return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line switch \"{0}\"", arg ); } } else { return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line argument \"{0}\"", arg ); } } else { if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( text ) ) { text = arg; } else if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( title ) ) { title = arg; } else if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( defanswer ) ) { defanswer = arg; } else { return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line argument \"{0}\"", arg ); } } } // Default title if none specified if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( title ) ) { title = defaulttitle; } // Switch /A requires /M if ( asciionly && !usemask ) { return ShowHelp( "Command line switch /A (ASCII only) can only be used together with /M" ); } // Switch /S implies /P if ( showpassword ) { password = true; } // Set timer if /T:timeout was specified if ( timeoutset ) { System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer( ); timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler( Timer_Elapsed ); timer.Interval = timeout; timer.Start( ); } // For /S (Show password checkbox) add 25 px to window height unless height is specified if ( showpassword && !heightset ) { height += 25; } #endregion Command Line Parsing #region Set Localized Captions if ( localizedcaptionset ) { cancelcaption = Load( "user32.dll", 801, cancelcaption ); okcaption = Load( "user32.dll", 800, okcaption ); if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( localizationstring ) ) { string pattern = @"^((OK|Cancel)=[^;\""]*;)*((OK|Cancel)=[^;\""]*);?$"; Regex regex = new Regex( pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ); if ( regex.IsMatch( localizationstring ) ) { string[] locstrings = localizationstring.Split( ";".ToCharArray( ) ); foreach ( string locstring in locstrings ) { string key = locstring.Substring( 0, locstring.IndexOf( '=' ) ); string val = locstring.Substring( Math.Min( locstring.IndexOf( '=' ) + 1, locstring.Length - 1 ) ); if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( val ) ) { switch ( key.ToUpper( ) ) { case "OK": okcaption = val; break; case "CANCEL": cancelcaption = val; break; default: return ShowHelp( "Invalid localization key \"{0}\"", key ); } } } } else { return ShowHelp( "Invalid localization string:\n\t{0}", localizationstring ); } } } #endregion Set Localized Captions #region Define Form Size size = new Size( width, height ); Form inputBox = new Form { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog, MaximizeBox = false, MinimizeBox = false, StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent, ClientSize = size, Text = title }; Label labelPrompt = new Label { Size = new Size( width - 20, height - 90 ), Location = new Point( 10, 10 ), Text = text.Replace( "\\n", "\n" ) }; inputBox.Controls.Add( labelPrompt ); textbox = new TextBox { Size = new Size( width - 20, 25 ) }; if ( showpassword ) { textbox.Location = new Point( 10, height - 100 ); } else { textbox.Location = new Point( 10, height - 75 ); } if ( password ) { textbox.PasswordChar = '*'; if ( showpassword ) { // Insert a checkbox with label "Show password" 25 px below the textbox CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox { Checked = false, Location = new Point( 11, textbox.Location.Y + 25 ), Width = inputBox.Width - 22 }; checkbox.Click += new EventHandler( Checkbox_Click ); checkbox.Text = showpasswordprompt; inputBox.Controls.Add( checkbox ); } } else { textbox.Text = defanswer; } maskedtextbox = new MaskedTextBox { Mask = mask, Location = textbox.Location, PasswordChar = textbox.PasswordChar, Text = textbox.Text, TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals, // return only the raw input Size = textbox.Size, AsciiOnly = asciionly }; if ( usemask ) { maskedtextbox.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler( Maskedtextbox_KeyUp ); inputBox.Controls.Add( maskedtextbox ); } else { textbox.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler( Textbox_KeyUp ); inputBox.Controls.Add( textbox ); } Button okButton = new Button { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK, Name = "okButton", Size = new Size( 80, 25 ), Text = okcaption, Location = new Point( width / 2 - 10 - 80, height - 40 ) }; inputBox.Controls.Add( okButton ); Button cancelButton = new Button { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel, Name = "cancelButton", Size = new Size( 80, 25 ), Text = cancelcaption, Location = new Point( width / 2 + 10, height - 40 ) }; inputBox.Controls.Add( cancelButton ); inputBox.AcceptButton = okButton; // OK on Enter inputBox.CancelButton = cancelButton; // Cancel on Esc inputBox.Activate( ); inputBox.BringToFront( ); inputBox.Focus( ); if ( usemask ) { maskedtextbox.BringToFront( ); // Bug workaround maskedtextbox.Select( 0, 0 ); // Move cursor to begin maskedtextbox.Focus( ); } else { textbox.BringToFront( ); // Bug workaround textbox.Select( 0, 0 ); // Move cursor to begin textbox.Focus( ); } #endregion Define Form #region Show Dialog and Return Result DialogResult result = inputBox.ShowDialog( ); if ( result == DialogResult.OK ) { int rc = ValidateAndShowResult( ); return rc; } else { if ( timeoutelapsed ) { ValidateAndShowResult( ); return 3; } else { return 2; } } #endregion Show Dialog and Return Result } #region Event Handlers public static void Checkbox_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) { // Toggle between hidden and normal text if ( usemask ) { if ( maskedtextbox.PasswordChar == '*' ) { maskedtextbox.PasswordChar = '\0'; } else { maskedtextbox.PasswordChar = '*'; } } else { if ( textbox.PasswordChar == '*' ) { textbox.PasswordChar = '\0'; } else { textbox.PasswordChar = '*'; } } } private static void Maskedtextbox_KeyUp( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) { maskedtextbox.TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals; currentinput = maskedtextbox.Text; if ( Regex.IsMatch( currentinput, ontheflypattern, casesensitivity ) ) { previousinput = currentinput; } else { currentinput = previousinput; } if ( maskedtextbox.Text != currentinput ) { maskedtextbox.Text = currentinput; maskedtextbox.TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals; if ( currentinput.Length > 0 ) { maskedtextbox.SelectionStart = maskedtextbox.Text.LastIndexOf( currentinput.Last( ) ) + 1; } else { maskedtextbox.SelectionStart = 0; } maskedtextbox.TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals; } } private static void Textbox_KeyUp( object sender, KeyEventArgs e ) { currentinput = textbox.Text; if ( Regex.IsMatch( currentinput, ontheflypattern, casesensitivity ) ) { previousinput = currentinput; } else { currentinput = previousinput; } if ( textbox.Text != currentinput ) { textbox.Text = currentinput; textbox.SelectionStart = currentinput.Length; } } public static void Timer_Elapsed( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) { timeoutelapsed = true; Process.GetCurrentProcess( ).CloseMainWindow( ); } #endregion Event Handlers public static int HelpMessage( string subject ) { switch ( subject.ToLower( ) ) { case "mask": string message = "The mask \"language\" is based on the Masked Edit control in Visual Basic 6.0:\n"; message+= "\n\n"; message += "Masking element \tDescription\n"; message += "=========== \t========\n"; message += "0 \tDigit, required. This element will accept\n"; message+= " \tany single digit between 0 and 9.\n"; message += "9 \tDigit or space, optional.\n"; message += "# \tDigit or space, optional. If this position\n"; message += " \tis blank in the mask, it will be rendered\n"; message += " \tas a space in the Text property. Plus (+)\n"; message += " \tand minus (-) signs are allowed.\n"; message += "L \tLetter, required. Restricts input to the\n"; message += " \tASCII letters a-z and A-Z. This mask\n"; message += " \telement is equivalent to [a-zA-Z] in\n"; message += " \tregular expressions.\n"; message += "? \tLetter, optional. Restricts input to the\n"; message += " \tASCII letters a-z and A-Z. This mask\n"; message += " \telement is equivalent to [a-zA-Z]? in\n"; message += " \tregular expressions.\n"; message += "& \tCharacter, required. Any non-control\n"; message += " \tcharacter. If ASCII only is set (/A),\n"; message += " \tthis element behaves like the \"A\" element.\n"; message += "C \tCharacter, optional. Any non-control\n"; message += " \tcharacter. If ASCII only is set (/A),\n"; message += " \tthis element behaves like the \"a\" element.\n"; message += "A \tAlphanumeric, required. If ASCII only is\n"; message += " \tset (/A), the only characters it will\n"; message += " \taccept are the ASCII letters a-z and\n"; message += " \tA-Z and numbers. This mask element\n"; message += " \tbehaves like the \"&\" element.\n"; message += "a \tAlphanumeric, optional. If ASCII only is\n"; message += " \tset (/A), the only characters it will\n"; message += " \taccept are the ASCII letters a-z and\n"; message += " \tA-Z and numbers. This mask element\n"; message += " \tbehaves like the \"C\" element.\n"; message += ". \tDecimal placeholder.\n"; message += ", \tThousands placeholder.\n"; message += ": \tTime separator.\n"; message += "/ \tDate separator.\n"; message += "$ \tCurrency symbol.\n"; message += "< \tShift down. Converts all characters\n"; message += " \tthat follow to lowercase.\n"; message += "> \tShift up. Converts all characters\n"; message += " \tthat follow to uppercase.\n"; message += "| \tDisable a previous shift up or shift down.\n"; message += "\\ \tEscape. Escapes a mask character, turning\n"; message += " \tit into a literal. \"\\\\\" is the escape sequence\n"; message += " \tfor a backslash.\n"; message += "All other characters\tLiterals. All non-mask elements will appear\n"; message += " \tas themselves within MaskedTextBox.\n"; message += " \tLiterals always occupy a static position\n"; message += " \tin the mask at run time, and cannot be\n"; message += " \tmoved or deleted by the user.\n"; MessageBox.Show( message, "Help for command line switch /M:mask" ); break; default: return ShowHelp( ); } return 1; } public static int ShowHelp( params string[] errmsg ) { /* InputBoxWF, Version 1.00 Prompt for input (Windows Form edition) Usage: INPUTBOXWF [ "prompt" [ "title" [ "default" ] ] ] [ options ] Where: "prompt" is the text above the input field (use \n for new line) "title" is the caption in the title bar "default" is the default answer shown in the input field Options: /A accepts ASCII characters only (requires /M) /C send input to Clipboard (default: send to file) /E[:file] send input to filE (default file name: InputBoxWF.tmp) /F:regex use regex to filter input on-the-Fly (see Notes) /H:height sets the Height of the input box (default: 110; minimum: 110; maximum: screen height) /I regular expressions are case Insensitive (default: regular expressions are case sensitive) /L[:string] use Localized or custom captions (see Notes) /M:mask accept input only if it matches mask (template) /N Not filtered, only doublequotes are removed from input (default: remove & < > | ") /P hides (masks) the input text (for Passwords) /R:regex accept input only if it matches Regular expression regex /S[:text] inserts a checkbox "Show password" (or specified text) /T[:sec] sets the optional Timeout in seconds (default: 60) /U return Unmasked input, without literals (requires /M) (default: include literals in result) /W:width sets the Width of the input box (default: 200; minimum: 200; maximum: screen width) Example: prompt for password InputBox.exe "Enter your password:" "Login" /S Example: fixed length hexadecimal input (enter as a single command line) InputBox.exe "Enter a MAC address:" "MAC Address" "0022446688AACCEE" /M:">CC\:CC\:CC\:CC\:CC\:CC" /R:"[\dA-F]{16}" /F:"[\dA-F]{1,16}" /U /I Notes: For hidden input (/P and/or /S), "default" will be ignored. With /F, regex must test the unmasked input (without literals), e.g. /M:"CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC" /F:"[\dA-F]{0,16} /I" for MAC address. With /R, regex is used to test input after OK is clicked; with /F, regex is used to test input each time the input changes, so regex must be able to cope with partial input; e.g. /F:"[\dA-F]{0,16}" is OK, but /F:"[\dA-F]{16}" will fail. or redirect the result to a (temporary) file. Show password (/S) implies hiding the input text (/P). Use /M (without mask) to show detailed help on the mask language. Use /L for Localized "OK" and "Cancel" button captions. Custom captions require a string like /L:"OK=caption;Cancel=caption" (button=caption pairs separated by semicolons, each button optional). Text from input is written to clipboard or file only if "OK" is clicked. Return code is 0 for "OK", 1 for (command line) errors, 2 for "Cancel", 3 on timeout, 4 if no regex or mask match. Credits: On-the-fly form based on code by Gorkem Gencay on StackOverflow: Code to retrieve localized button captions by Martin Stoeckli: Written by Rob van der Woude */ string message = "\n"; if ( errmsg.Length > 0 ) { List errargs = new List( errmsg ); errargs.RemoveAt( 0 ); message += string.Format( "ERROR:\t{0} {1}\n", errmsg[0], string.Join( " ", errargs.ToArray( ) ) ); } message += string.Format( "InputBoxWF, Version {0}\n", progver ); message += "Prompt for input (Windows Form edition)\n\n"; message += "Usage:\tINPUTBOXWF [ \"prompt\" [ \"title\" [ \"default\" ] ] ] [ options ]\n\n"; message += "Where:\t\"prompt\"\t\tis the text above the input field\n"; message += " \t \t\t(use \\n for new line)\n"; message += " \t\"title\"\t\tis the caption in the title bar\n"; message += " \t\"default\"\t\tis the default answer shown in\n"; message += " \t \t\tthe input field\n\n"; message += "Options:\t/A\t\taccepts ASCII characters only (requires /M)\n"; message += " \t/F:regex\t\tFilter input on-the-Fly with regex (see Note)\n"; message += " \t/H:height\tsets the Height of the input box\n"; message += string.Format( " \t \t\t(default: {0}; minimum: {0};\n", defheight ); message += " \t \t\tmaximum: screen height)\n"; message += " \t/I\t\tregular expressions are case Insensitive\n"; message += " \t \t\t(default: regular expressions are case\n"; message += " \t \t\tsensitive)\n"; message += " \t/L[:string]\tLocalized or custom captions (see Note)\n"; message += " \t/M:mask\t\taccept input only if it Matches mask\n"; message += " \t/N\t\tNot filtered, only doublequotes are\n"; message += " \t \t\tremoved from input\n"; message += " \t \t\t(default: remove & < > | \")\n"; message += " \t/R:regex\t\taccept input only if it matches Regular\n"; message += " \t \t\texpression regex\n"; message += " \t/S[:text]\t\tinserts a checkbox \"Show password\"\n"; message += " \t \t\t(or specified text)\n"; message += " \t/T[:sec]\t\tsets the optional Timeout in seconds\n"; message += string.Format( " \t \t\t( default: {0})\n", deftimeout ); message += " \t/U\t\treturn Unmasked input, without literals\n"; message += " \t \t\t(requires /M; default: include literals)\n"; message += " \t/W:width\tsets the Width of the input box\n"; message += string.Format( " \t \t\t(default: {0}; minimum: {0};\n", defwidth ); message += " \t \t\tmaximum: screen width)\n\n"; message += "Written by Rob van der Woude\n"; message += ""; MessageBox.Show( message, "Help for InputBoxWF.exe (part 1)" ); message = "Example:\tprompt for password, send to clipboard\n"; message += "\tInputBoxWF.exe \"Enter your password:\" \"Login\" /S /C\n\n"; message += "Example:\tfixed length hex input (enter as a single command line)\n"; message += "\tInputBoxWF.exe \"Enter a MAC address:\" \"MAC Address\"\n"; message += "\t\"0022446688AACCEE\" /M:\">CC\\:CC\\:CC\\:CC\\:CC\\:CC\\:CC\\:CC\"\n"; message += "\t/R:\"[\\dA-F]{16}\" /F:\"[\\dA-F]{0,16}\" /U /I /C\n\n"; message += "Notes:\tFor hidden input (/P and/or /S), \"default\" will be ignored.\n\n"; message += " \tWith /F, regex must test the unmasked input (without literals),\n"; message += " \te.g. /M:\"CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC:CC\" /F:\"[\\dA-F]{0,16}\" /I\n"; message += " \tfor MAC address.\n\n"; message += " \tWith /R, regex is used to test input after OK is clicked;\n"; message += " \twith /F, regex is used to test input each time the input\n"; message += " \tchanges, so regex must be able to cope with partial input;\n"; message += " \te.g. /F:\"[\\dA-F]{0,16}\" is OK, but /F:\"[\\dA-F]{16}\" will fail.\n\n"; message += " \tBe careful with /N, use doublequotes for the result.\n\n"; message += " \tShow password (/S) implies hiding the input text (/P).\n\n"; message += " \tUse /M (without mask value) to show detailed help on\n"; message += " \tthe mask language.\n\n"; message += " \tUse /L for Localized \"OK\" and \"Cancel\" button captions.\n"; message += " \tCustom captions require a string like\n"; message += " \t / L:\"OK=caption;Cancel=caption\"\n"; message += " \t(button=caption pairs separated by semicolons,\n"; message += " \teach button optional).\n\n"; message += " \tText from input is written to clipboard or file\n"; message += " \tonly if \"OK\" is clicked.\n\n"; message += " \tReturn code is 0 for \"OK\", 1 for (command line) errors,\n"; message += " \t2 for \"Cancel\", 3 on timeout, 4 if no regex or mask match.\n\n"; message += "Written by Rob van der Woude\n"; message += ""; MessageBox.Show( message, "Help for InputBoxWF.exe (part 2)" ); return 1; } public static int ValidateAndShowResult() { string input = String.Empty; // Read input from MaskedTextBox or TextBox if ( usemask ) { if ( returnunmasked ) { maskedtextbox.TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.ExcludePromptAndLiterals; } else { maskedtextbox.TextMaskFormat = MaskFormat.IncludeLiterals; } input = maskedtextbox.Text; // Check if input complies with mask if ( !maskedtextbox.MaskCompleted ) { return 4; } } else { input = textbox.Text; } // Check if input complies with regex if ( regexset && Regex.IsMatch( input, regexpattern, casesensitivity ) ) { return 4; } // Remove ampersands and redirection symbols unless /N switch was used if ( filtered ) { input = Regex.Replace( input, @"[&<>|]", String.Empty ); } // Remove doublequotes from output input = input.Replace( "\"", "" ); // Send result to clipboard or file if ( sendoutputtoclipboard ) { Clipboard.SetText( input ); } else { using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( outputfile, false ) ) { sw.Write( input ); } } return 0; } #region Get Localized Captions // Code to retrieve localized captions by Martin Stoeckli // /// /// Searches for a text resource in a Windows library. /// Sometimes, using the existing Windows resources, you can make your code /// language independent and you don't have to care about translation problems. /// /// /// btnCancel.Text = Load("user32.dll", 801, "Cancel"); /// btnYes.Text = Load("user32.dll", 805, "Yes"); /// /// Name of the windows library like "user32.dll" /// or "shell32.dll" /// Id of the string resource. /// Return this text, if the resource string could /// not be found. /// Requested string if the resource was found, /// otherwise the public static string Load( string libraryName, UInt32 ident, string defaultText ) { IntPtr libraryHandle = GetModuleHandle( libraryName ); if ( libraryHandle != IntPtr.Zero ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 1024 ); int size = LoadString( libraryHandle, ident, sb, 1024 ); if ( size > 0 ) return sb.ToString( ); } return defaultText; } [DllImport( "kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )] private static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle( string lpModuleName ); [DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )] private static extern int LoadString( IntPtr hInstance, UInt32 uID, StringBuilder lpBuffer, Int32 nBufferMax ); #endregion Get Localized Captions } }