/* ListObj version 1.2 */ /* List all WPS object names */ /* (C) 1997-1999, Rob van der Woude */ /* Latest revision 1999/03/13 */ /* Initialize RexxUtil if necessary */ if RxFuncQuery( "SysLoadFuncs" ) <> 0 then do call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs" call SysLoadFuncs end /* Initialize RexxLib if necessary and if available */ if RxFuncQuery( "RexxLibRegister" ) = 0 then do rexxlib = 1 end else do rexxlib = 0 call RxFuncAdd "RexxLibRegister", "RexxLib", "RexxLibRegister" call RexxLibRegister if RxFuncQuery( "RexxLibRegister" ) = 0 then rexxlib = 1 end /* Check for /P (pause) command line parameter */ parse upper arg "/"option . if option = "?" then call Syntax pause = 0 if left( option, 1 ) = "P" then pause = 1 /* Check text screen size and position cursor if necessary */ parse value SysTextScreenSize( ) with rows cols parse value SysCurPos( ) with x y if x = rows - 1 then do x = rows - 2 call SysCurPos x, 0 end /* Read a list of objects from OS2.INI */ call SysIni "USER", "PM_Workplace:Location", "ALL:", "object." /* Sort the list if RexxLib is available */ if rexxlib = 1 then call ArraySort "object." /* Display the formated list on screen */ call SysCls say say " "||object.0||" WPS Objects:" say j = 0 do i = 1 to object.0 say " "||object.i j = j + 1 /* Pause at full screen */ if pause = 1 & j = rows - 6 then do call AnyKey j = 0 end end /* Pause at the end if there was anything */ /* left to display after the last pause */ if pause = 1 & j > 0 then call AnyKey "End" EXIT /* Pause at full screen */ AnyKey: procedure expose object. say say " Press any key . . ." call SysCurState "OFF" answer = translate( SysGetKey( "NOECHO" ) ) if translate( arg( 1 ) ) <> "END" then do call SysCls say say " "||object.0||" WPS Objects:" say end return answer /* Display help */ Syntax: procedure call SysCls say say " ListObj Version 1.2" say " Display all WorkPlace Shell object names" say say " (C) 1997-1999, Rob van der Woude" say say say " Usage: LISTOBJ [ /P | /? ]" say say " /P pause at full screen" say " /? display this help screen" exit return