; Get the current date in YYYYMMDD format $Today = "@YEAR" + Right( "0@MONTHNO", 2 ) + Right( "0@MDAYNO", 2 ) ; Create the directory if it doesn't exist If Exist( "\\Server\Logs\$Today\*.*" ) = 0 MD "\\Server\Logs\$Today" EndIf ; Read the first IP address $IP = Join( Split( @IPAddress0, " " ), "" ) ; Check if there are more, and join them all using semicolons For $i = 1 To 3 $RC = Execute( "If @@IPAddress$i > '' $$IP = $$IP + Chr(59) + Join( Split( @@IPAddress$i, ' ' ), '' )" ) Next ; Log the results If RedirectOutput( "\\Server\Logs\$Today\@USERID.log" ) = 0 "$IP,@ADDRESS@CRLF" $RC = RedirectOutput( "" ) EndIf