Mause.exe, Version 1.06 Mouse enabled pAUSE command Usage: Mause.exe [ prompt ] [ /T:timeout ] [ /N ] Where: prompt is the prompt to be displayed (default: "Press any key or mouse button or wheel to continue . . ."; use "" to show no prompt) /N do Not flush the keyboard buffer (default: flush keyboard buffer when program is started) /T:seconds timeout in seconds (1..3600; default: wait forever) Notes: Return code 1 for key, 2 for mouse, 3 for timeout or -1 for errors. While Mause is running, the console's Quick-Edit mode will be temporarily disabled; before exiting, the console's initial Quick-Edit state will be restored. Credits: ConsoleListener class by SWdV on Code to flush keyboard buffer by gandjustas on Written by Rob van der Woude