@ECHO OFF REM * MODIFIED.BAT REM * Check if specified file was created or modified today REM * Written by Rob van der Woude REM * Needs write access to current directory; or add fully qualified REM * path to files CURRENT.BAT and its language dependent versions, REM * and make sure its path is specified in the PATH variable. REM * File name should be specified IF "%1"=="" GOTO Syntax IF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO Syntax REM * Send DIR output for specified file to primary temporary REM * batch file to get the file's creation or modification date DIR %1 | FIND /I "%1" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP TYPE %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP | TIME | FIND /I "%1" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Create secondary temporary batch files to be called by primary ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%4>ENTER.BAT REM * For Dutch DOS versions ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%5>VOER.BAT ECHO SET CHKDATE=%%6>TYP.BAT CALL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Send DIR output for temporary batch file to itself to get today's date DIR %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT | FIND /I "~ISMODIF.BAT" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP ECHO.>> %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP TYPE %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP | TIME | FIND /I "~ISMODIF.BAT" > %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Create secondary temporary batch files to be called by primary ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%4>ENTER.BAT REM * For Dutch DOS versions ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%5>VOER.BAT ECHO SET NOWDATE=%%6>TYP.BAT CALL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT REM * Compare dates and display result IF "%NOWDATE%"=="%CHKDATE%" ECHO %1 was created or modified today (%NOWDATE%) REM * Clean up the mess DEL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.BAT DEL %TEMP%.\~ISMODIF.TMP DEL ENTER.BAT DEL VOER.BAT DEL TYP.BAT SET CHKDATE= SET NOWDATE= GOTO End :Syntax ECHO MODIFIED.BAT ECHO Check if specified file was created or modified today ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Usage: %0 filename :End