using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace RobvanderWoude { public partial class FormMonitorClipboard : Form { static string clipboardtext = string.Empty; static string progver = Application.ProductVersion.ToString( ); static string title = string.Format( "MonitorClipboard, Version {0}", progver ); static string errormessage = string.Empty; static bool debugmode = false; static bool modalwindow = true; static bool compactmode = false; static float fontsizefactor = 1F; static int interval = 1; static int[] highestversion = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public FormMonitorClipboard( ) { InitializeComponent( ); } private void FormMonitorClipboard_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { this.Text = title; ParseCommandLine( ); if ( debugmode ) { DebugInfo( ); } if ( compactmode ) { CompactWindow( ); } CheckClipboard( ); this.TopMost = modalwindow; TimerMonitorClipboard.Interval = 1000 * interval; TimerMonitorClipboard.Start( ); } private void CheckClipboard( ) { if ( Clipboard.ContainsText( ) ) { clipboardtext = Clipboard.GetText( TextDataFormat.UnicodeText ); TextBoxClipboardContent.BackColor = Color.White; TextBoxClipboardContent.ForeColor = Color.Black; TextBoxClipboardContent.Text = clipboardtext; } else { TextBoxClipboardContent.BackColor = Form.DefaultBackColor; TextBoxClipboardContent.ForeColor = Color.Gray; TextBoxClipboardContent.Text = string.Join( Environment.NewLine, Clipboard.GetDataObject( ).GetFormats( ).ToArray( ) ); // requires Linq } TextBoxClipboardContent.SelectionStart = 0; TextBoxClipboardContent.SelectionLength = 0; } private void CompactWindow( ) { this.ClientSize = new Size( (int)( Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2 ), 40 ); this.Location = new Point( (int)( Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 4 ), Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - 40 ); this.TopLevel = true; this.ControlBox = false; this.Text = string.Empty; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; TextBoxClipboardContent.Size = new Size( this.ClientSize.Width - 40, this.ClientSize.Height ); TextBoxClipboardContent.Location = new Point( 0, 0 ); TextBoxClipboardContent.Font = new Font( TextBoxClipboardContent.Font.FontFamily, (float)( TextBoxClipboardContent.Font.Size * fontsizefactor ), FontStyle.Regular ); Button exitbutton = new Button( ); exitbutton.Text = "Exit"; exitbutton.Size = new Size( 32, 32 ); exitbutton.Location = new Point( this.ClientSize.Width - 36, 4 ); exitbutton.Click += Exitbutton_Click; this.Controls.Add( exitbutton ); } private void DebugInfo( ) { string programpath = Application.ExecutablePath; string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs( ).Skip( 1 ).ToArray( ); // requires Linq string installednetframework = GetInstalledNETFrameworkVersion( ); string requirednetframework = GetRequiredNETFrameworkVersion( ); string debuginfo = string.Format( "DEBUGGING INFO:{0}==============={0}Program path : {1}{0}Required .NET version : {2}{0}Installed .NET version : {3}{0}Command line arguments : {4}{0}Timer interval : {5}{0}Modal window : {6}", System.Environment.NewLine, programpath, requirednetframework, installednetframework, string.Join( " ", arguments ), interval, modalwindow ); Clipboard.SetText( debuginfo ); } private string GetInstalledNETFrameworkVersion( ) { string rc = string.Empty; System.Collections.Generic.List installedversions = new System.Collections.Generic.List( ); // Get the list of installed .NET Framework versions from the registry, by Microsoft: // using ( RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey( RegistryHive.LocalMachine, "" ).OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" ) ) { foreach ( string versionKeyName in ndpKey.GetSubKeyNames( ) ) { if ( versionKeyName.StartsWith( "v" ) ) { RegistryKey versionKey = ndpKey.OpenSubKey( versionKeyName ); string name = (string) versionKey.GetValue( "Version", "" ); if ( name == "" ) { foreach ( string subKeyName in versionKey.GetSubKeyNames( ) ) { RegistryKey subKey = versionKey.OpenSubKey( subKeyName ); name = (string) subKey.GetValue( "Version", "" ); if ( name != "" ) { installedversions.Add( name ); } } } else { installedversions.Add( name ); } } } } // Determine the highest version foreach ( string version in installedversions ) { highestversion = HighestVersion( highestversion, version ); } return string.Join( ".", highestversion.Select( x => x.ToString( ) ).ToArray( ) ); // requires System.Linq } static string GetRequiredNETFrameworkVersion( ) { // Get the required .NET Framework version // By Fernando Gonzalez Sanchez on // object[] list = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( true ); var attribute = list.OfType( ).First( ); // requires Linq string frameworkname = attribute.FrameworkName; string frameworkdisplayname = attribute.FrameworkDisplayName; return frameworkdisplayname; } static int[] HighestVersion( int[] version1, string version2 ) { int[] converted2 = version2.Split( ".".ToCharArray( ) ).Select( x => System.Convert.ToInt32( x ) ).ToArray( ); int minlength = Math.Min( version1.Length, converted2.Length ); for ( int i = 0; i < minlength; i++ ) { if ( version1[i] > converted2[i] ) { return version1; } else if ( version1[i] < converted2[i] ) { return converted2; } } return version1; } private void ParseCommandLine( ) { string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs( ).Skip( 1 ).ToArray( ); // requires Linq foreach ( string argument in arguments ) { if ( argument.ToUpper( ) == "/CM" ) { compactmode = true; } else if ( argument.ToUpper( ).StartsWith( "/D" ) ) { debugmode = true; } else if ( argument.StartsWith( "/F:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) { int fontsizepercentage = 100; if ( !int.TryParse( argument.Substring( 3 ), out fontsizepercentage ) ) { errormessage = string.Format( "Invalid font size percentage: {0}", argument ); ShowHelp( ); } else { if ( fontsizepercentage < 50 || fontsizepercentage > 150 ) { errormessage = string.Format( "Font size percentage out of range (50..150): {0}", argument ); ShowHelp( ); } else { fontsizefactor = fontsizepercentage / 100F; } } } else if ( argument.StartsWith( "/I:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) { if ( !int.TryParse( argument.Substring( 3 ), out interval ) ) { errormessage = string.Format( "Invalid interval: {0}", argument ); ShowHelp( ); } if ( interval < 1 || interval > 10 ) { errormessage = string.Format( "Interval out of range (1..10): {0}", argument ); ShowHelp( ); } } else if ( argument.ToUpper( ) == "/NM" ) { modalwindow = false; } else if ( argument == "/?" ) { ShowHelp( ); } else { errormessage = string.Format( "Invalid argument: {0}", argument ); ShowHelp( ); } } } private void ShowHelp( ) { string caption = title; MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( errormessage ) ) { caption = errormessage; errormessage = string.Empty; icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; } string message = string.Format( "{0}\nMonitor text on the clipboard in realtime\n\n", title ); message += "Usage:\tMONITORCLIPBOARD.EXE [ options ]\n\n"; message += "Options:\t/I:sec\tdefines the Interval in seconds with\n"; message += " \t \twhich the clipboard is checked for text\n"; message += " \t \t(1..10 seconds; default: 1 second)\n"; message += " \t/CM \tCompact Mode: small window over taskbar\n"; message += " \t \t(default: normal window at center\n"; message += " \t \tof screen)\n"; message += " \t/F:perc\tFont size percentage\n"; message += " \t \t(50..150; default: 100)\n"; message += " \t/NM \tsets the program's window to Non-Modal\n"; message += " \t \t(default: always on top)\n"; message += " \t/D \tDebug mode: send some debugging\n"; message += " \t \tinformation to the clipboard\n"; message += " \t \t(warning: this will overwrite the\n"; message += " \t \tcurrent clipboard content)\n\n"; message += "Note: \tThough invalid or duplicate arguments DO raise\n"; message += " \tan error message, they are ignored.\n\n"; message += "Written by Rob van der Woude\n"; message += ""; MessageBox.Show( message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.ServiceNotification ); } private void Exitbutton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Application.Exit( ); } private void FormMonitorClipboard_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e ) { TimerMonitorClipboard.Stop( ); } private void FormMonitorClipboard_HelpRequested( object sender, HelpEventArgs hlpevent ) { ShowHelp( ); } private void TimerMonitorClipboard_Tick( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) { CheckClipboard( ); } } }