#! perl # Run this script without command line arguments for an explanation of the technique used to obscure URLs # Store the screen messages in variables $header = "\nObscure.pl, Version 1.10\n"; $header = $header."Obscure an URL by using decimal IP address and fake login name.\n"; $syntax = $syntax."Usage: OBSCURE.PL url [ -DEBUG ]\n\n"; $syntax = $syntax."Where: \"url\" can be any valid URL, host name or IP address\n"; $syntax = $syntax." -DEBUG displays intermediate results\n"; $example = "Explanation:\n"; $example = $example."Let us take the fictional http://somehost.com/sources/ and let's assume\n"; $example = $example."somehost.com's IP address is The decimal representation of the\n"; $example = $example."IP address is: 1 * 256^3 + 2 * 256^2 + 3 * 256 + 4 = 16909060\n"; $example = $example."(try pinging 16909060, it will show as the address being pinged)\n"; $example = $example."So the URL could also be written as http://16909060/sources/\n"; $example = $example."Any URL may be preceded with a (fake) user ID followed by an \@\n"; $example = $example."So we can further obscure the URL by adding a (fake) host as login name:\n"; $example = $example."http://fake.host\@16909060/sources/ still points to http://somehost.com/sources/\n"; $footer = "Note: Security settings of your browser may block use of decimal addresses\n\n"; $footer = $footer."Written by Rob van der Woude\nhttp://www.robvanderwoude.com\n"; # Show help message if no arguments were specified if ( !@ARGV[0] ) { die "$header\n$syntax\n$example\n$footer"; } # Parse command line arguments $debug = 0; $error = 0; foreach ( @ARGV ) { SWITCH: { if ( uc( $_ ) eq "-DEBUG" ) { $debug = 1; last SWITCH; } if ( $_ =~ m/^(((?:ht|f)tp):\/\/)?([^\/]{5,})(\/.*)?$/i ) { $url = $_; $protf = $1; $prota = $2; $host = $3; $path = $4; last SWITCH; } # If you arrived at this part of the code, # an invalid argument was specified, so we # abort with a help message die "$header\n$syntax\n$example\n$footer"; } } # Show help message if invalid arguments were specified if ( !$host ) { die "$header\n$syntax\n$example\n$footer"; } # If a hostname was specified, convert it to an IP address if ( $host =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ ) { $ip = $host; } else { `ping $host -n 1 -w 500` =~ /^[^\[]+\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]/; $ip = "$1"; } # Check if we now have a valid IP address, abort if not if ( $ip =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) { if ( $1 > 255 or $2 > 255 or $3 > 255 or $4 > 255 ) { die"\nERROR: Invalid IP address\n\n\n$header\n$syntax\n$footer"; } $obsc = (( $1 * 256 + $2 ) * 256 + $3 ) * 256 + $4; } else { die "\nERROR: Invalid host name or host not online\n\n\n$header\n$syntax\n$footer"; } # Display the result print "$header\n$footer\n\n"; # Display intermediate results when -DEBUG switch was specified if ( $debug ) { print "URL = $url\n", "Protocol = $prota\n", "Host name = $host\n", "IP address = $ip\n", "Decimal IP = $obsc\n", "Path = $path\n\n"; } print "Obscured URL examples:\n\n $protf$obsc$path\n", " $protf"."www.whateveryoulike.here\@$obsc$path\n";