using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace RobvanderWoude { static class WPD { /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main() { int exitcode = 1; Application.EnableVisualStyles( ); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false ); string[] arguments = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs( ).Skip( 1 ).ToArray( ); if ( arguments.Length == 1 ) { if ( arguments[0] == "/?" ) { string message = "WPD.exe, Version 1.00\n"; message += "Open a Word document with identical name and location\n"; message += "when doubeclicking a WordPerfect document\n\n"; message += "Usage:\n"; message += " *\tRegister this program for WordPerfect files (*.wpd)\n"; message += " *\tWhenever you doubleclick a WordPerfect file, this\n"; message += " \tprogram will search for a Word document with the\n"; message += " \tsame name and location, and open that Word\n"; message += " \tdocument instead.\n"; message += " *\tIf more than one matching Word file exists\n"; message += " \t(e.g. *.doc as well as *.docx), a popup message\n"; message += " \twill tell you to select the Word document directly.\n\n"; message += "Return code for this program is 0 if a single matching Word\n"; message += "document was found and opened, otherwise 1.\n\n"; message += "Written by Rob van der Woude\n"; message += ""; string title = "Help for WPD.exe"; MessageBox.Show( message, title ); } else { string ext = Path.GetExtension( arguments[0].ToLower( ) ); string workingdir = Directory.GetParent( arguments[0] ).FullName; string basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( arguments[0] ); if ( ext.Substring( 0, 3 ) == ".wp" ) { List docfiles = Directory.GetFiles( workingdir, basename + ".doc*" ).ToList( ); switch ( docfiles.Count ) { case 1: try { _ = Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo( docfiles[0] ) ); exitcode = 0; } catch { // ignore, exit code will be 1 } break; default: MessageBox.Show( string.Format( "There are {0} files matching \"{1}.doc*\"", docfiles.Count, Path.Combine( workingdir, basename ) ), "Ambiguity" ); break; } } } } Environment.ExitCode = exitcode; } } }