Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Add/Remove Leading Zeroes

There are several techniques to add or remove leading zeroes.
I will list some of these here, all of them intended for unsigned decimal numbers.


Remove Leading Zeroes
# Command Pros and Cons
1 SET /A Var = 100%Var% %% 100
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 99, with or without leading zero
  • Can be scaled up easily to more digits
  • Since math is used (SET /A), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 5 digits (3)
2 SET Var=10%Var%
IF %Var% GTR 1000 SET /A Var=%Var%-1000
IF %Var% GTR  100 SET /A Var=%Var%-100
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 99, with or without leading zero
  • Can be scaled up easily to more digits
  • Way too much code for just 2 digits
  • Since math is used (IF ... GTR ... and SET /A), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 5 digits (3)
3 IF "%Var:~0,1%"=="0" SET Var=%Var:~1%
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 99, with or without leading zero
  • Can be scaled up easily: just repeat the command once for every added digit
  • Can only be used for fixed number of digits
  • Returns an empty string for 0 or a string of zeroes (00, 000, 0000...)
4 :Loop
IF "%Var:~0,1%"=="0" (
  SET Var=%Var:~1%
  GOTO Loop
  • Fail-safe for any number, with or without leading zero
  • A lot of code; use only for larger numbers or in case the number of digits is unpredictable
  • Returns an empty string for a string of zeroes
5 FOR /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A IN ("%Var%") DO SET Var=%%A
  • Fail-safe for any number, with or without leading zero
  • Returns an empty string for a string of zeroes
6 FOR /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A IN ("%Var%") DO SET /A Var=%%A+0
  • Fail-safe for any number up to 9 digits (2), with or without leading zero
  • Returns a single zero for a string of zeroes
  • Since math is used (SET /A), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 9 digits (2)
7 FOR /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A IN ("%Var%") DO SET Var=%%A
SET /A Var += 0 2>NUL
  • Fail-safe for any number, with or without leading zero
  • Returns a single zero for a string of zeroes
  • Though math is used in the second line, it is only required for 0, so if it fails on 10-digit numbers that won't affect the resulting value
  • Though a math failure on 10-digit numbers may not affect the resulting value, it does raise an error, which could affect the batch code's ErrorLevel
8 FOR /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A IN ("%Var%") DO SET Var=%%A
IF "%Var%"=="" SET Var=0
  • Fail-safe for any number, with or without leading zero
  • Returns a single zero for a string of zeroes
  • Preferred!


Of all techniques to remove leading zeroes presented here, #8 is the preferred one, as it will work for any number, without any restriction (5).


Note: To remove leading zeroes from times' minutes and seconds, this clever technique by Andrew Dent may do the trick:
SET TimeWithoutLeadingZeroes=%Time::0=:%
This would fail only in the unlikely case that %Time% does not use leading zeroes in minutes and seconds (e,g. 2:0:12 would be set to 2::12).
To remove leading zeroes from the hours will require additional code.


Add Leading Zeroes
# Command Pros and Cons
1 IF %Var% LSS 10 SET Var=0%Var%
  • Works only for numbers 0..9 (without leading zero), 00..07 (with leading zero), and 10..99
  • Fails on 08 and 09 if %Var% does have a leading zero, because batch file math interprets numbers with leading zeroes as octal
  • Since math is used (IF ... LSS ...), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 9 digits (2)
  • Not recommended!
2 IF 1%Var% LSS 100 SET Var=0%Var%
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 99, with or without leading zero
  • Since math is used (IF ... LSS ...), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 9 digits (2)
3 IF 1%Var% LSS 100 SET Var=0%Var%
IF 1%Var% LSS 1000 SET Var=0%Var%
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 999, with or without leading zero
  • Can be scaled up easily to up to 9 digits (2)
  • Since math is used (IF ... LSS ...), this technique can only be used for numbers of up to 9 digits (2)
4 SET Var=00%Var%
SET Var=%Var:~-2%
  • Fail-safe for numbers up to and including 99, with or without leading zero, and even for an empty string
  • Can be scaled up easily to any number of digits (5)
  • Truncates larger numbers, e.g. if %Var% equals 123 then SET Var=%Var:~-2% returns 23
  • Preferred!


Of all techniques to add leading zeroes presented here, #4 is the preferred one, as it will work for any number, without any restriction in length (5).
However, higher numbers will be truncated, e.g. if %Var% equals 123 this technique returns 23.
See note 4 for a safer alternative using PowerShell or third party software.


Notes: (1) Modulo division method (first command in the first table) by Paul Ruggieri.
  (2) Math based techniques can be used for numbers up to 9 digits for Windows XP and later, or up to 4 digits for Windows 2000.
  (3) Math based techniques with "prefixes" can be used for numbers up to 5 digits for Windows XP and later, and only 1 or 2 digits for Windows 2000.
  (4) My own ToString.exe can also be used to add leading zeroes, e.g. ToString.exe "{0:D3}" 5 will return 005
It will not truncate higher numbers, e.g. ToString.exe "{0:D2}" 123 will return 123
The same result with native code only can be achieved using powershell -c "'{0:D2}' -f %Var%" (or pwsh -c "'{0:D2}' -f %Var%")
  (5) Actually, there is one restiction: the batch language's line length limit.
However, unless you intend to use close to 900 digits, this won't be a problem.
  (6) All of these commands are intended for decimal digits only, no signs allowed.

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