(view help text of CheckPath.cs as plain text)
CheckPath.exe, Version 1.00 Check if all directories in the PATH variable(s) really exist Usage: CheckPath.exe [ /Quiet ] [ /Verbose ] [ /? ] Where: /Quiet skips the popup message when errors are found /Verbose shows extra information, i.e. full PATH variables /? shows this help screen Notes: Each directory in the System PATH and the User PATH will be checked. If it exists, its name is displayed in green, otherwise in red. A counter keeps track of errors, i.e. empty PATH entries as well as directories that don't exist, and its count is used as the program's return code. Unless the /Quiet switch is used, a popup message will show the number of errors detected, if any, and explain how to correct this. If "OK" is clicked, the "System Properties" settings window's "Advanced" tab is opened: click its "Environment Variables" button and correct the errors. If "Cancel" is clicked, no settings window is opened, and the program terminates. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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