(view help text of ConsoleState.cs as plain text)
ConsoleState.exe, Version 2.00 Set or get the visibility state of the current console Usage: ConsoleState.exe [ /Hide | /Show [ options ] ] Where: /Hide Hides the console /Show Shows the console (restores visibility) Options: /Max Maximizes the console /Min Minimizes the console /Normal restores the console to its Normal state /NoAct do NotActivate the console window Notes: Command line switches /Max, /Min and /Normal all imply /Show. Options are valid only with /Show, not with /Hide. If no command line argument is used, the program will check the current state and return "errorlevel" 0 if visible, 1 if minimized, 2 if hidden, or -1 on errors. If a command line argument is used, the program will return "errorlevel" 0 if successful, or -1 on errors. Credits: Code to hide and show console by Anthony on StackOverflow.com: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15079092 Code to check current console state by "dtb" on StackOverflow.com: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2655954 Code to check if console is minimized Jim Tat on C# Corner: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/forums /dreamincodegt-programming-helpgt-c-sharp-hi-snipercode-welcome-t Console state enumeration on PInvoke.net: http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/Enums/ShowWindowCommand.html Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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