(view help text of HasKeyboard.cs as plain text)
HasKeyboard.exe, Version 1.00 Count number of keyboards available at this very moment Usage: HasKeyboard.exe [ /USB | /OTHER ] [ /Q ] Where: /USB count USB keyboards only (default: all keybords) /OTHER count OTHER (non-USB) keyboards only (default: all) /QUIET QUIET mode (no screen output) Notes: By default this program counts ALL keybord types. Switches may be abbreviated to /U, /O and/or /Q. The program's return code equals the number of keyboards of the specified type detected, or -1 in case of (command line) errors. Credits: Based on C# wrapper for GetRawInputDeviceList by Pavel Pachobut https://github.com/PashaPash/RawInput/ Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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