(view help text of Kolor.cs as plain text)
Kolor.exe, Version 1.03 Set or get console background and foreground colors Usage: Kolor.exe xy [ /Y ] or: Kolor.exe [ /B | /F | /T | /U ] Where: x is a hexadecimal digit for the new background color y is a hexadecimal digit for the new foreground color /B returns the current Background color on screen and as return code /F returns the current Foreground color on screen and as return code /T Test: show console colors and their associated numbers /U check for program Updates /Y enforce new colors even if background and foreground colors are equal (default: when equal, change is ignored, return code 1) Notes: Unlike CMD's internal COLOR command, which changes the colors for the entire screen, KOLOR will only change the colors of the text displayed after the command is issued. Use KOLOR /T to see the available colors and their numbers. Kolor.exe without parameters returns current background and foreground colors as 16 * background + foreground, on screen and as return code. When setting colors, return code is 0, or 1 on error. When reading colors, return code is requested color(s), or 0 on error. Returned colors are shown in hexadecimal, for decimal use return code. Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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