(view help text of ListVerbs.cs as plain text)
ListVerbs.exe, Version 1.01 List all verbs for the specified file extension Usage: ListVerbs filetype [ /V ] Where: filetype is the file type to list the available verbs for /V Verbose output, i.e. not just the verbs, but the associated commands as well Notes: filetype can be specified as file extension including dot, e.g. ".odt", or as document type name associated with a file extension, e.g. "LibreOffice.WriterDocument"; in the latter case, output will be verbose whether /V switch is used or not. Verbose mode may sometimes find more verbs than normal mode. Return code ("errorlevel") equals the number of verbs found, or -1 in case of (command line) errors. Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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