Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for MonitorClipboard.cs

(view help text of MonitorClipboard.cs as plain text)

MonitorClipboard, Version 4.00
Monitor clipboard content in realtime

Usage:    MONITORCLIPBOARD.EXE  [ options ]

Options:  /CM      Compact Mode: small window over taskbar
                   (default: normal window at center of screen)
          /F:perc  Font size percentage (50..150; default: 100)
          /NM      sets the program's window to Non-Modal
                   (default: always on top)
          /D       Debug mode: send some debugging information
                   to the clipboard (warning: this will overwrite
                   the current clipboard content)

Notes:    If the clipboard content is text or image, a preview will
          be shown in the program window.
          If the clipboard contains multiple files and/or folders,
          the files and folders will be listed separately, sorted.
          If the clipboard contains a single file, the program will
          attempt to show a preview of the file's content, plus its path.
          Supported file types are images, Microsoft Office and OpenOffice
          text, spreadsheets and presentations, PDF and RTF.
          These previews depend on software installed on the computer,
          i.e. Microsoft Office and GhostScript.
          if the required software is not found, the program will show
          the file as a "list of one file".
          Though invalid or duplicate arguments DO raise error
          messages, they are ignored.

Credits:  Clipboard changes notifications by Gert Lombard

          Console output from a WinForms program by Timm

          Show text as RTF based on code by Wendy Zang

          Hide menus in WebView2 viewer by jpine

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0105 seconds