Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for PrintScreen.cs

(view help text of PrintScreen.cs as plain text)

PrintScreen,  Version 1.04
Save screenshot as image, or console buffer to text file or standard output

Usage:   PRINTSCREEN  imagefile  [ /T:type ]  [ /O ]
   or:   PRINTSCREEN  textfile   [ /T:TXT  ]  [ /O ]  [ /C ]
   or:   PRINTSCREEN  /U  /T:type
   or:   PRINTSCREEN  /S  [ /C ]

Where:   imagefile    is the image file to save the screenshot to
         textfile     is the text file to save the console buffer text to

Options: /C           trim lines (text only)
         /O           Overwrites an existing file
         /S           send captured text to Standard output (assuming /T:TXT;
                      do not specify a file name, nor type, nor overwrite)
         /T:type      specifies the file Type: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF or TXT
                      (required only if outputfile extension is different)
         /U           automatically generate a Unique output file name in
                      PrintScreenYYYYMMDDHHmmssffffff.ext format in current
                      directory (requires /T:type, no other arguments allowed)

Note:    Return code ("errorlevel") is 1 in case of errors, or 0 otherwise.

Credits: Code to read console buffer by Simon Mourier
         Code for graphic screenshot by Ali Hamdar

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0076 seconds