(view help text of PrintScreen.cs as plain text)
PrintScreen, Version 1.04 Save screenshot as image, or console buffer to text file or standard output Usage: PRINTSCREEN imagefile [ /T:type ] [ /O ] or: PRINTSCREEN textfile [ /T:TXT ] [ /O ] [ /C ] or: PRINTSCREEN /U /T:type or: PRINTSCREEN /S [ /C ] Where: imagefile is the image file to save the screenshot to textfile is the text file to save the console buffer text to Options: /C trim lines (text only) /O Overwrites an existing file /S send captured text to Standard output (assuming /T:TXT; do not specify a file name, nor type, nor overwrite) /T:type specifies the file Type: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF or TXT (required only if outputfile extension is different) /U automatically generate a Unique output file name in PrintScreenYYYYMMDDHHmmssffffff.ext format in current directory (requires /T:type, no other arguments allowed) Note: Return code ("errorlevel") is 1 in case of errors, or 0 otherwise. Credits: Code to read console buffer by Simon Mourier http://www.softfluent.com Code for graphic screenshot by Ali Hamdar http://alihamdar.com Written by Rob van der Woude http://www.robvanderwoude.com
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