Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for SaveFileBox.cs

(view help text of SaveFileBox.cs as plain text)

SaveFileBox.exe,  Version 1.03
Batch tool to present a Save File dialog and return the selected file path

Usage:  SAVEFILEBOX  "filetypes"  "startfolder"  "title"  options

Where:  filetypes    file type(s) in format "description (*.ext)|*.ext"
                     or just "*.ext" (default: "All files (*.*)|*.*")
        startfolder  the initial folder the dialog will show on opening
                     (default: current directory)
        title        the caption in the dialog's title bar
                     (default: "SaveFileBox,  Version 1.03)"
        options      /F    Force specified extension
                     /Q    Quiet mode: do not check if the file exists
                     /V    Verbose mode: prompt for confirmation
                     (default: prompt only if file exists)

Notes:  This batch tool does not actually save the file, it is only intended
        to interactively specify a file path, which can be used by the calling
        batch file.
        All command line arguments are optional, but each argument requires
        the ones preceeding it, e.g. "startfolder" requires "filetypes" but
        not necessarily "title" and options.
        Options /Q and /V are mutually exclusive.
        If the filetypes filter is in "*.ext" format, "ext files (*.ext)|*.ext"
        will be used instead.
        The full path of the selected file is written to Standard Output
        if OK was clicked, or an empty string if Cancel was clicked.
        The return code will be 0 on success, 1 in case of (command line)
        errors, 2 on Cancel, 3 if not in Quiet mode and file exists.

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0097 seconds