Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Help text for TestCommandLineArgs.cs

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TestCommandLineArgs.exe,  Version 1.00
Test C# command line parsing

Usage:   TestCommandLineArgs.exe  [ up to 9 command line arguments ]

Returns: Displays each command line argument on a separate line, first
         trying traditional method (parsing string[] args), and if that fails
         an alternative method using a regex on Envrionment.CommandLine
         Traditional parsing is considered unsuccessful if one of the arguments
         contains at least one doublequote, not counting the enclosing quotes.
         Return code -1 if no arguments, 0 if traditional parsing succeeded,
         otherwise the number of arguments found by the alternative parser.


TestCommandLineArgs.exe "1 2 3" 4 "D:\" "C:\windows" 12 XYZ


Command line: "D:\TestCommandLineArgs.exe" "1 2 3" 4 "D:\" "C:\windows" 12 XYZ

Traditional command line parsing: 3 command line arguments:
[0]     1 2 3
[1]     4
[2]     D:" C:\windows 12 XYZ       (contains doublequote)

Alternative command line parsing: 6 command line arguments:
[0]     1 2 3
[1]     4
[2]     D:\
[3]     C:\windows
[4]     12
[5]     XYZ

Written by Rob van der Woude

page last uploaded: 2022-10-05; loaded in 0.0093 seconds