(view help text of Trash.cs as plain text)
Trash.exe, Version 1.01 Send specified file(s) to the recycle bin Usage: TRASH.EXE filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] ] [ /V ] Where: filespec file(s) to be sent to the recycle bin (wildcards allowed) Options: /C Continue on errors (default: abort on first error) /D Debug mode: files are listed only, not deleted /V Verbose output: show file name(s), progress and error dialogs, and summary (default: error dialogs only) Note: Return code ("ErrorLevel"): * successful deletion of all files specified: 0 * invalid directory, failure to delete or no matching file (with /C): 1 * invalid directory, failure to delete or no matching file (without /C): -1 * invalid command line argument: -1 Written by Rob van der Woude https://www.robvanderwoude.com
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