(view source code of addmysqlport.bat as plain text)
REM Written by Willi Huber
REM w.huber@sonplas.de
REM ----------------------------------------
REM 6. Windows XP FireWall: open Port 3306 for MySQL-database.
REM skip Windows 2000
ver | find /I "Windows XP" > nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 Goto Terminate
REM ...in Windows XP SP1 firewall does not exist.
netsh.exe help | find /I "firewall" > nul
if errorlevel 1 Goto Terminate
REM try to open the port
netsh.exe firewall add portopening protocol=TCP port=3306 name=MySQL > nul
if errorlevel 1 Goto Step6Error
ECHO Step 6 Windows XP FireWall: Port 3306 for MySQL-database opened.
Goto Terminate
REM ErrorHandling
ECHO Step 6 Windows XP FireWall: Error while opening Port 3306 for MySQL-database !
Goto Terminate
REM ----------------------------------------
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