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Source code for bootdrv3.bat

(view source code of bootdrv3.bat as plain text)

  1. @ECHO off
  2. IF not "%1"=="?" IF not "%1"=="/?" GOTO start
  3. ECHO.
  4. ECHO  BOOTDRV with no arguments will display drive letter.
  5. ECHO  BOOTDRV with any argument will set bootdrv variable
  6. ECHO  to drive letter specified by %%comspec%% variable.
  7. ECHO  Laurence Soucy
  8. ECHO
  9. GOTO end
  11. :start
  12. IF "%comspec%"=="" ECHO  comspec variable not set
  13. IF "%comspec%"=="" GOTO end
  14. IF "%1"=="" GOTO display only
  15. ECHO %comspec%| set bootdrv=>%temp%.\bootdrv$.bat
  16. FOR %%c in (CALL DEL) do %%c %temp%.\bootdrv$.bat
  17. GOTO end
  19. :display only
  20. ECHO %comspec%| " "
  22. :end

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0060 seconds