(view source code of datetimebox.cs as plain text)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RobvanderWoude
class DateTimeBox
static string progver = "1.12.1";
static int Main( string[] args )
#region Initialize Variables
int minwidth = 220;
int minheight = 135;
int maxwidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
int maxheight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;
int width = minwidth;
int height = minheight;
int icon = 167;
int maxdaysfuture = 0;
int mindaysfuture = 0;
bool maxdaysset = false;
bool mindaysset = false;
bool dateonly = false;
bool timeonly = false;
bool initialtimeset = false;
bool daterangeset = false;
bool localizedcaptionset = false;
bool canuseampm = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.PMDesignator );
bool ignoreampm = false;
bool appendampm = false;
string title = String.Format( "DateTimeBox, Version {0}", progver );
string dateformatgui = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
string dateformatout = "yyyy-MM-dd";
string timeformatgui = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern;
string timeformatout = "HH:mm:ss";
string datetimeformatout = String.Empty;
string cancelcaption = "&Cancel";
string okcaption = "&OK";
string localizationstring = String.Empty;
string initialdatetimestring = String.Empty;
DateTime initialdatetime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime today = DateTime.Now.Date;
DateTime earliest = today.Date;
DateTime latest = today.Date;
#endregion Initialize Variables
#region Command Line Parsing
if ( args.Length > 16 )
return ShowHelp( "Too many command line arguments" );
if ( args.Length > 0 )
foreach ( string arg in args )
if ( arg == "/?" )
return ShowHelp( );
string localizationpattern = "(;|^)(OK|Cancel)=[^\\\"';]+(;|$)";
string datepattern = ".*[dgkmy]+.*";
string datetimepattern = ".*[dfghkmstyz]+.*";
string timepattern = ".*[fhmstz]+.*";
int count = 0;
foreach ( string arg in args )
if ( count == 0 && arg.IndexOf( '/' ) == -1 )
// Title can only be specified as the first argument
if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( arg ) )
title = arg;
else if ( count == 1 && arg.IndexOf( '/' ) == -1 )
// Initial date/time can only be the second argument
initialdatetimestring = arg;
initialtimeset = true;
if ( arg.IndexOf( '/' ) != 0 )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line argument \"{0}\"", arg );
string key = arg;
string format = String.Empty;
if ( arg.IndexOfAny( ":=".ToCharArray( ) ) != -1 )
key = arg.Substring( 0, arg.ToUpper( ).IndexOfAny( ":=".ToCharArray( ) ) );
format = arg.Substring( arg.IndexOfAny( ":=".ToCharArray( ) ) + 1 );
switch ( key.ToUpper( ) )
case "/D":
if ( dateonly )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /D" );
dateonly = true;
case "/DD":
dateformatgui = format;
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, datepattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/DE":
if ( mindaysset )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate start of allowed date range /DMIN and/or /DE" );
DateTime.TryParse( format, out earliest );
mindaysfuture = ( earliest - today ).Days;
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date format: {0}", arg );
daterangeset = true;
mindaysset = true;
case "/DL":
if ( maxdaysset )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate end of allowed date range /DMAX and/or /DL" );
DateTime.TryParse( format, out latest );
maxdaysfuture = ( latest - today ).Days;
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date format: {0}", arg );
daterangeset = true;
maxdaysset = true;
case "/DMAX":
if ( maxdaysset )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate end of allowed date range /DMAX and/or /DL" );
maxdaysfuture = Convert.ToInt32( format );
latest = today.AddDays( maxdaysfuture );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid /DMAX integer value \"{0}\"", format );
daterangeset = true;
maxdaysset = true;
case "/DMIN":
if ( mindaysset )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate start of allowed date range /DMIN and/or /DE" );
mindaysfuture = Convert.ToInt32( format );
earliest = today.AddDays( mindaysfuture );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid /DMIN integer value \"{0}\"", format );
daterangeset = true;
mindaysset = true;
case "/DO":
dateformatout = format;
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, datepattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/DTO":
datetimeformatout = format;
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, datetimepattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/FT":
if ( initialtimeset )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate initial date/time specification, use either \"{0}\" or {1}, not both", initialdatetimestring, arg );
string file = format;
if ( File.Exists( file ) )
initialdatetime = File.GetLastWriteTime( file );
return ShowHelp( "File not found: \"{0}\"", file );
case "/H":
if ( height != minheight )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /H" );
height = Convert.ToInt32( format );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid height specified: {0}", arg );
case "/I":
icon = Convert.ToInt32( format );
if ( IconExtractor.Extract( "shell32.dll", icon, true ) == null )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid icon index specified for Shell32.dll: {0}", arg );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid icon index specified for Shell32.dll: {0}", arg );
case "/I24":
ignoreampm = true;
case "/L":
localizedcaptionset = true;
localizationstring = format;
foreach ( string test in format.Split( ";".ToCharArray( ), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ) )
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, localizationpattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/O24":
appendampm = true;
case "/T":
if ( timeonly )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /T" );
timeonly = true;
case "/TD":
timeformatgui = format;
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, timepattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/TO":
timeformatout = format;
if ( !Regex.IsMatch( format, timepattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid value for {0} switch: \"{1}\"", key.ToUpper( ), format );
case "/W":
if ( width != minwidth )
return ShowHelp( "Duplicate command line switch /W" );
width = Convert.ToInt32( format );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid width specified: {0}", arg );
return ShowHelp( "Invalid command line switch \"{0}\"", arg );
count += 1;
if ( ( ( dateonly || timeonly ) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( datetimeformatout ) ) || ( dateonly && timeonly ) )
return ShowHelp( "/D, /T and /DTO cannot be combinded" );
#endregion Command Line Parsing
#region Command Line Validation
// Validate dialog size
if ( dateonly || timeonly )
if ( height == minheight )
height -= 40;
minheight -= 40;
if ( height > maxheight || height < minheight )
return ShowHelp( "Specified height should be in {0}..{1} range", minheight.ToString( ), maxheight.ToString( ) );
if ( width > maxwidth || width < minwidth )
return ShowHelp( "Specified width should be in {0}..{1} range", minwidth.ToString( ), maxwidth.ToString( ) );
// Validate format of initial date/time specified
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( initialdatetimestring ) )
if ( Regex.IsMatch( initialdatetimestring, @"^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d{1,2}:\d\d$" ) )
initialdatetime = DateTime.ParseExact( initialdatetimestring, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
else if ( Regex.IsMatch( initialdatetimestring, @"^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d$" ) )
initialdatetime = DateTime.ParseExact( initialdatetimestring, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
else if ( dateonly && Regex.IsMatch( initialdatetimestring, @"^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d$" ) )
initialdatetime = DateTime.ParseExact( initialdatetimestring, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
else if ( timeonly && Regex.IsMatch( initialdatetimestring, @"^\d{1,2}:\d\d$" ) )
initialdatetime = DateTime.ParseExact( initialdatetimestring, "HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
else if ( timeonly && Regex.IsMatch( initialdatetimestring, @"^\d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d$" ) )
initialdatetime = DateTime.ParseExact( initialdatetimestring, "HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
return ShowHelp( "Invalid initial date/time format in \"{0}\"", initialdatetimestring );
catch ( Exception )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid initial date/time format in \"{0}\"", initialdatetimestring );
// Validate date range
if ( daterangeset )
if ( ( latest - earliest ).Days < 0 )
return ShowHelp( "The earliest allowed date CANNOT be AFTER the latest allowed date" );
#endregion Command Line Validation
#region Set Localized Captions
if ( localizedcaptionset )
cancelcaption = Load( "user32.dll", 801, cancelcaption );
okcaption = Load( "user32.dll", 800, okcaption );
if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( localizationstring ) )
string[] locstrings = localizationstring.Split( ";".ToCharArray( ) );
foreach ( string locstring in locstrings )
string key = locstring.Substring( 0, locstring.IndexOf( '=' ) );
string val = locstring.Substring( Math.Min( locstring.IndexOf( '=' ) + 1, locstring.Length - 1 ) );
if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( val ) )
switch ( key.ToUpper( ) )
case "OK":
okcaption = val;
case "CANCEL":
cancelcaption = val;
return ShowHelp( "Invalid localization key \"{0}\"", key );
#endregion Set Localized Captions
#region Format check
// Check if AM/PM is required and available
string testformats = ( dateformatgui + dateformatout + datetimeformatout + timeformatgui + timeformatout ).ToLower( );
if ( testformats.IndexOf( 't' ) > -1 )
if ( canuseampm )
ignoreampm = false;
appendampm = false;
if ( timeformatgui.IndexOf( 't' ) > -1 )
if ( ignoreampm )
timeformatgui = Regex.Replace( timeformatgui, @"\s*t+", String.Empty );
timeformatgui = Regex.Replace( timeformatgui, "h", "H" );
return ShowHelp( "AM/PM time format not available on this computer, use /I24\n\tto ignore this error and use a 24-hour time picker instead,\n\tand /O24 to append AM/PM to the output result" );
if ( ( timeformatout + datetimeformatout ).IndexOf( 't' ) > -1 )
if ( appendampm )
datetimeformatout = Regex.Replace( datetimeformatout, @"\s*t+", String.Empty );
timeformatout = Regex.Replace( timeformatout, @"\s*t+", String.Empty );
return ShowHelp( "AM/PM time format not available on this computer,\n\tuse /O24 to append AM/PM to the output result" );
appendampm = false;
// Check validity of specified formats
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( datetimeformatout ) )
DateTime d = DateTime.Now;
DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
string date = String.Empty;
string time = String.Empty;
if ( !timeonly )
date = d.ToString( dateformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
d = DateTime.ParseExact( date, dateformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date display format \"{0}\"", dateformatgui );
date = d.ToString( dateformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date output format \"{0}\"", dateformatout );
if ( !dateonly )
time = t.ToString( timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
t = DateTime.ParseExact( time, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
t = DateTime.ParseExact( time, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture );
time = t.ToString( timeformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid time output format \"{0}\"", timeformatout );
DateTime dt;
string datetime;
dt = DateTime.ParseExact( DateTime.Now.ToString( dateformatgui + " " + timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ), dateformatgui + " " + timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date/time display format \"{0}\"", dateformatgui + " " + timeformatgui );
datetime = dt.ToString( datetimeformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid date/time output format \"{0}\"", datetimeformatout );
#endregion Format check
#region Form Controls
Size size = new Size( width, height );
Form dtForm = new Form( );
dtForm.ClientSize = size;
dtForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
dtForm.MaximizeBox = false;
dtForm.MinimizeBox = false;
dtForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
dtForm.Text = title;
dtForm.Icon = IconExtractor.Extract( "shell32.dll", icon, true );
Point firstrow = new Point( 15, 15 );
Point secondrow = new Point( 15, 55 );
DateTimePicker datePicker = null;
if ( !timeonly )
datePicker = new DateTimePicker( );
if ( timeonly || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( dateformatgui ) )
datePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Long;
datePicker.CustomFormat = dateformatgui;
datePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
datePicker.Location = firstrow;
if ( daterangeset )
datePicker.MaxDate = latest;
datePicker.MinDate = earliest;
datePicker.Size = new Size( size.Width - 30, 25 );
if ( daterangeset )
if ( ( earliest - initialdatetime ).Days > 0 )
datePicker.Value = earliest;
else if ( ( initialdatetime - latest ).Days > 0 )
datePicker.Value = latest;
datePicker.Value = initialdatetime;
datePicker.Value = initialdatetime;
dtForm.Controls.Add( datePicker );
DateTimePicker timePicker = null;
if ( !dateonly )
timePicker = new DateTimePicker( );
if ( dateonly || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( timeformatgui ) )
timePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Time;
timePicker.CustomFormat = timeformatgui;
timePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
if ( timeonly )
timePicker.Location = firstrow;
timePicker.Location = secondrow;
timePicker.ShowUpDown = true;
timePicker.Size = new Size( size.Width - 30, 25 );
timePicker.Value = initialdatetime;
dtForm.Controls.Add( timePicker );
Button okButton = new Button( );
okButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
okButton.Name = "okButton";
okButton.Size = new Size( 80, 25 );
okButton.Text = okcaption;
okButton.Location = new Point( size.Width / 2 - 10 - 80, size.Height - 43 );
dtForm.Controls.Add( okButton );
Button cancelButton = new Button( );
cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
cancelButton.Name = "cancelButton";
cancelButton.Size = new Size( 80, 25 );
cancelButton.Text = cancelcaption;
cancelButton.Location = new Point( size.Width / 2 + 10, size.Height - 43 );
dtForm.Controls.Add( cancelButton );
dtForm.AcceptButton = okButton; // OK on Enter
dtForm.CancelButton = cancelButton; // Cancel on Esc
dtForm.Activate( );
#endregion Form Controls
DialogResult result = dtForm.ShowDialog( );
if ( result == DialogResult.OK )
string datetime = String.Empty;
string ampm = String.Empty;
if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( datetimeformatout ) )
string date = String.Empty;
string time = String.Empty;
if ( !timeonly )
date = DateTime.ParseExact( datePicker.Text, dateformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ).ToString( dateformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
if ( !dateonly )
time = DateTime.ParseExact( timePicker.Text, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ).ToString( timeformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
catch ( FormatException )
time = DateTime.ParseExact( timePicker.Text, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ).ToString( timeformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
if ( !canuseampm && appendampm )
ampm = DateTime.ParseExact( timePicker.Text, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ).ToString( "tt", new CultureInfo( "en-US" ) );
Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "{0}, {1} {2}", date, time, ampm ).Trim( ", ".ToCharArray( ) ) );
datetime = DateTime.ParseExact( datePicker.Text + " " + timePicker.Text, dateformatgui + " " + timeformatgui, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ).ToString( datetimeformatout, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture );
if ( !canuseampm && appendampm )
ampm = DateTime.ParseExact( timePicker.Text, timeformatgui, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ).ToString( "tt", new CultureInfo( "en-US" ) );
Console.WriteLine( String.Format( "{0} {1}", datetime, ampm ).Trim( ) );
return 0;
return 2; // Canceled
catch ( Exception e )
return ShowHelp( "{0}\n\t{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace );
#region Error handling
public static int ShowHelp( params string[] errmsg )
#region Help Text
DateTimeBox, Version 1.12
Batch tool to present a Date/Time Picker dialog and return the selected
date and/or time in the specified format
Usage: DATETIMEBOX [ "title" ] [ "datetime" ] [ options ]
Where: "title" is the optional caption in the title bar
(default: program name and version)
"datetime" is the optional initial date/time for the dialog
in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" format (default: now)
options /D display and return Date only (default: date and time)
/T display and return Time only (default: date and time)
/I24 Ignore AM/PM in Input on systems with 24-hour format
/O24 append AM/PM to Output on systems with 24-hour format
/FT:"file" use File Timestamp of specified file
for the dialog's initial date/time
/DD:dateformat Date Display format (GUI)
/DO:dateformat Date Output string format
/TD:timeformat Time Display format (GUI)
/TO:timeformat Time Output string format
/DTO:datetimeformat Date and Time Output string format
/DE:yyyy-MM-dd Earliest date allowed
/DL:yyyy-MM-dd Latest date allowed
/DMAX:numberofdays MAXimum Date allowed, relative to
today, in days (negative number for
a date in the past)
/DMIN:numberofdays MINimum Date allowed, relative to
today, in days (negative number for
a date in the past)
/H:height window Height (default: 135,
minimum: 135, maximum: screen height)
/I:index use Icon at index from shell32.dll
/L[:captions] Localize or customize button captions
(e.g. /L:"OK=Why Not?;Cancel=Never!")
/W:width window Width (default: 220,
minimum: 220, maximum: screen width)
Example: Display date/time in default format, output in yyyyMMddHHmmssfff
format (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds),
selected date between today and 90 days in the future:
DATETIMEBOX "When?" /DTO:yyyyMMddHHmmssfff /DMIN:0 /DMAX:90
Notes: Available custom date and time formats can be found on MSDN at:
Note that by default AM/PM time formats ("tt" or "t") cannot be
used on computers with a 24-hour time format. To prevent error
messages, use /I24 to ignore "tt" or "t" (AM/PM) in specified input
and/or output format, and /O24 to append AM/PM to the string on
systems with 24-hour time format.
If specified, the initial date/time must be in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
or "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format; but with /D "yyyy-MM-dd" format is
accepted, and with /T "HH:mm" and "HH:mm:ss" formats are accepted.
If specified without captions, switch /L forces localized button
captions (e.g. "Cancel" button caption is "Annuleren" on Dutch
systems); if only a single custom caption is specified, the other
one is localized (e.g. with /L:"OK=Gaan" on Dutch systems, "OK"
button caption is "Gaan", "Cancel" button caption is "Annuleren").
The selected date and/or time are written to Standard Out if "OK"
is clicked, otherwise an empty string is returned.
Switches /D, /T and /DTO are mutually exclusive, as are /DMAX and
/DL, and /DMIN and /DE.
Return code 0 for "OK", 1 for (command line) errors, 2 for "Cancel".
Credits: On-the-fly form based on code by Gorkem Gencay on StackOverflow:
Code to retrieve localized button captions by Martin Stoeckli:
Code to extract icons from Shell32.dll by Thomas Levesque:
Written by Rob van der Woude
#endregion Help Text
#region Error Message
if ( errmsg.Length > 0 )
List<string> errargs = new List<string>( errmsg );
errargs.RemoveAt( 0 );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.Write( "ERROR:\t" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( errmsg[0], errargs.ToArray( ) );
Console.ResetColor( );
#endregion Error Message
#region Show Help
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "DateTimeBox, Version {0}", progver );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Batch tool to present a Date/Time Picker dialog and return the selected" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "date and/or time in the specified format" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Usage: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "DATETIMEBOX [ \"title\" ] [ \"datetime\" ] [ options ]" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Where: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "\"title\"" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " is the optional caption in the title bar" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " (default: DateTimeBox, Version {0})", progver );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " \"datetime\"" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " is the optional initial date/time for the dialog" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " in \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm\" format (default: now)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " options /D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " display and return " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ate only (default: date and time)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " display and return " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ime only (default: date and time)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /I24 I" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "gnore AM/PM in " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "I" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "nput on systems with " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "24" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "-hour format" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /O24" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " append AM/PM to " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "O" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "utput on systems with " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "24" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "-hour format" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /FT:\"file\"" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " use " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "F" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ile " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "imestamp of specified " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "file" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " for the dialog's initial date/time" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DD:dateformat D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ate " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "isplay format (GUI)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DO:dateformat D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ate " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "O" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "utput string format" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /TD:timeformat T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ime " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "isplay format (GUI)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /TO:timeformat T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ime " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "O" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "utput string format" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DTO:datetimeformat D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ate and " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ime " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "O" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "utput string format" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DE:yyyy-MM-dd E" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "arliest " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ate allowed" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DL:yyyy-MM-dd L" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "atest " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ate allowed" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DMAX:numberofdays MAX" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "imum " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ate allowed, relative to" );
Console.Error.Write( " today, in " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "days" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " (negative number for" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " a date in the past)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /DMIN:numberofdays MIN" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "imum " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "ate allowed, relative to" );
Console.Error.Write( " today, in " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "days" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " (negative number for" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " a date in the past)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /H:height" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " window " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "H" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "eight (default: 135," );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " minimum: 135, maximum: screen height)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /I:index" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " use " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "I" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "con at " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "index" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " from shell32.dll" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /L[:captions] L" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( "ocalize or customize button " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "captions" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " (e.g. " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/L:\"OK=Why Not?;Cancel=Never!\"" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( ")" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /W:width" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " window " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "W" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "idth (default: 220," );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " minimum: 220, maximum: screen width)" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Example: Display date/time in default format, output in yyyyMMddHHmmssfff" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " format (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)," );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " selected date between today and 90 days in the future:" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " DATETIMEBOX \"When?\" /DTO:yyyyMMddHHmmssfff /DMIN:0 /DMAX:90" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Notes: Available custom date and time formats can be found on MSDN at:" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4.aspx" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Note that by default AM/PM time formats (\"tt\" or \"t\") cannot be" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " used on computers with a 24-hour time format. To prevent error" );
Console.Error.Write( " messages, use " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/I24" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " to ignore \"tt\" or \"t\" (AM/PM) in specified input" );
Console.Error.Write( " and/or output format, and " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/O24" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " to append AM/PM to the string on" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " systems with 24-hour time format." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " If specified, the initial date/time must be in \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm\"" );
Console.Error.Write( " or \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\" format; but with " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " \"yyyy-MM-dd\" format is" );
Console.Error.Write( " accepted, and with " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " \"HH:mm\" and \"HH:mm:ss\" formats are accepted." );
Console.Error.Write( " If specified without " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "captions" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( ", switch " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/L" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " forces localized button" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " captions (e.g. \"Cancel\" button caption is \"Annuleren\" on Dutch" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " systems); if only a single custom caption is specified, the other" );
Console.Error.Write( " one is localized (e.g. with " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/L:\"OK=Gaan\"" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " on Dutch systems, \"OK\"" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " button caption is \"Gaan\", \"Cancel\" button caption is \"Annuleren\")." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " The selected date and/or time are written to Standard Out if \"OK\"" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " is clicked, otherwise an empty string is returned." );
Console.Error.Write( " Switches " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/D" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( ", " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/T" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " and " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "/DTO" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " are mutually exclusive." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Return code 0 for \"OK\", 1 for (command line) errors, 2 for \"Cancel\"." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Credits: On-the-fly form based on code by Gorkem Gencay on StackOverflow:" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17546909" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Code to retrieve localized button captions by Martin Stoeckli:" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " http://martinstoeckli.ch/csharp/csharp.html#windows_text_resources" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Code to extract icons from Shell32.dll by Thomas Levesque:" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873026" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "http://www.robvanderwoude.com" );
#endregion Show Help
return 1;
#endregion Error handling
#region Get Localized Captions
// Code to retrieve localized captions by Martin Stoeckli
// http://martinstoeckli.ch/csharp/csharp.html#windows_text_resources
/// <summary>
/// Searches for a text resource in a Windows library.
/// Sometimes, using the existing Windows resources, you can make your code
/// language independent and you don't have to care about translation problems.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// btnCancel.Text = Load("user32.dll", 801, "Cancel");
/// btnYes.Text = Load("user32.dll", 805, "Yes");
/// </example>
/// <param name="libraryName">Name of the windows library like "user32.dll"
/// or "shell32.dll"</param>
/// <param name="ident">Id of the string resource.</param>
/// <param name="defaultText">Return this text, if the resource string could
/// not be found.</param>
/// <returns>Requested string if the resource was found,
/// otherwise the <paramref name="defaultText"/></returns>
public static string Load( string libraryName, UInt32 ident, string defaultText )
IntPtr libraryHandle = GetModuleHandle( libraryName );
if ( libraryHandle != IntPtr.Zero )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
int size = LoadString( libraryHandle, ident, sb, 1024 );
if ( size > 0 )
return sb.ToString( );
return defaultText;
[DllImport( "kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
private static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle( string lpModuleName );
[DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
private static extern int LoadString( IntPtr hInstance, UInt32 uID, StringBuilder lpBuffer, Int32 nBufferMax );
#endregion Get Localized Captions
#region Extract Icons
// Code to extract icons from Shell32.dll by Thomas Levesque
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873026
public class IconExtractor
public static Icon Extract( string file, int number, bool largeIcon )
IntPtr large;
IntPtr small;
ExtractIconEx( file, number, out large, out small, 1 );
return Icon.FromHandle( largeIcon ? large : small );
return null;
[DllImport( "Shell32.dll", EntryPoint = "ExtractIconExW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall )]
private static extern int ExtractIconEx( string sFile, int iIndex, out IntPtr piLargeVersion, out IntPtr piSmallVersion, int amountIcons );
#endregion Extract Icons
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