(view source code of dotnetfxver.bat as plain text)
SET Verbose=0
IF NOT "%~1"=="" (
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
ECHO "%%~A" | FINDSTR.EXE /R /C:"[&<>]" >NUL && GOTO Syntax
REM Abort if a remote computer was already specified before
ECHO.!SystemRoot! | FINDSTR.EXE /L /B "\\" && GOTO Syntax
REM Check if the specified computer can be reached
PING.EXE %~1 -n 2 -4 2>NUL | FIND.EXE "TTL=" >NUL || GOTO Syntax
REM Use remote ADMIN$ share instead of %windir%\system32
SET SystemRoot=\\%~1\ADMIN$
) ELSE (
REM Check validity of command line switch
IF /I "%%~A"=="/V" (
IF "!Verbose!"=="0" (
SET Verbose=1
) ELSE (
REM Duplicate /V switch
GOTO Syntax
) ELSE (
REM Invalid command line switch
GOTO Syntax
SET Framework=Framework
REM Check if system is 64-bit
IF EXIST %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\*.* SET Framework=Framework64
REM List all installed .NET Framework versions
FOR /D %%A IN (%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\%Framework%\v?.*) DO (
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%B IN ('FILEVER.EXE "%%~fA\mscorlib.dll"') DO (
IF "%Verbose%"=="1" (
CALL :VerboseName %%~B
) ELSE (
ECHO %~nx0, Version 1.01 for Windows 2000 and later
ECHO List installed .NET Framework versions for any computer
ECHO Usage: %~nx0 [ remote_computer ] [ /V ]
ECHO Where: "remote_computer" is an optional remote computer name
ECHO ^(default is the local computer^)
ECHO /V Verbose mode: the batch file will try to return
ECHO a description instead of just the version, e.g.
ECHO ".NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 ^(3.5.30729.01^)"
ECHO instead of "3.5.30729.01" ^(see Notes^)
ECHO Notes: The descriptions are based on listings from
ECHO http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318785 and
ECHO https://jonathanparker.wordpress.com/2014/12/05/
ECHO These listings are not complete.
ECHO In case a description does not exist for a version, the batch
ECHO file returns ".NET Framework" followed by the full version,
ECHO e.g. ".NET Framework 4.7.2053.0".
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO http://www.robvandereoude.com
:: This "translation" is based on listings from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318785
:: and https://jonathanparker.wordpress.com/2014/12/05/
:: It is by no means complete
SET VerboseName=%~1
IF "%~1"=="1.0.2204.21" SET VerboseName=1.0 Beta release 1 ^(1.0.2204.21^)
IF "%~1"=="1.0.2914.0" SET VerboseName=1.0 Beta release 2 ^(1.0.2914.0^)
IF "%~1"=="1.0.3705.0" SET VerboseName=1.0 Original release ^(1.0.3705.0^)
IF "%~1"=="1.0.3705.209" SET VerboseName=1.0 Service Pack 1 ^(1.0.3705.209^)
IF "%~1"=="1.0.3705.288" SET VerboseName=1.0 Service Pack 2 ^(1.0.3705.288^)
IF "%~1"=="1.0.3705.6018" SET VerboseName=1.0 Service Pack 3 ^(1.0.3705.6018^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.510" SET VerboseName=1.1 Final Beta release ^(1.1.4322.510^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.573" SET VerboseName=1.1 Original release ^(1.1.4322.573^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.2032" SET VerboseName=1.1 Service Pack 1 ^(1.1.4322.2032^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.2300" SET VerboseName=1.1 Service Pack 1 Windows Server 2003 32-bit version ^(1.1.4322.2300^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.2310" SET VerboseName=1.1 KB893251 ^(1.1.4322.2310^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.2407" SET VerboseName=1.1 KB927495 ^(1.1.4322.2407^)
IF "%~1"=="1.1.4322.2443" SET VerboseName=1.1 KB953297 ^(1.1.4322.2443^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.40607.16" SET VerboseName=2.0 Beta release 1 ^(2.0.40607.16^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50215.44" SET VerboseName=2.0 Beta release 2 ^(2.0.50215.44^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.42" SET VerboseName=2.0 Original release ^(2.0.50727.42^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.312" SET VerboseName=2.0 Original release Vista ^(2.0.50727.312^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.832" SET VerboseName=2.0 KB928365 ^(2.0.50727.832^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.1433" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 1 ^(2.0.50727.1433^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.1434" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 1 Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 ^(2.0.50727.1434^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3053" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 ^(2.0.50727.3053^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3082" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 ^(2.0.50727.3082^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3603" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 KB974417 ^(2.0.50727.3603^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3607" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 KB976569 ^(2.0.50727.3607^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3615" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 KB983583 ^(2.0.50727.3615^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.4016" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 ^(2.0.50727.4016^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.4918" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 Windows 7 Release Candidate ^(2.0.50727.4918^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.4927" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 Windows 7 Original release ^(2.0.50727.4927^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.4952" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 KB983590 ^(2.0.50727.4952^)
IF "%~1"=="2.0.50727.3649" SET VerboseName=2.0 Service Pack 2 KB2833940 Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 ^(2.0.50727.3649^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.26" SET VerboseName=3.0 Original release Windows Vista ^(3.0.4506.26^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.30" SET VerboseName=3.0 Original release (3.0.4506.30^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.590" SET VerboseName=3.0 Service Pack 1 Beta release ^(3.0.4506.590^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.648" SET VerboseName=3.0 Service Pack 1 ^(3.0.4506.648^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.2123" SET VerboseName=3.0 Service Pack 2 ^(3.0.4506.2123^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.2152" SET VerboseName=3.0 Service Pack 2 ^(3.0.4506.2152^)
IF "%~1"=="3.0.4506.2254" SET VerboseName=3.0 Service Pack 2 ^(3.0.4506.2254^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.20404.0" SET VerboseName=3.5 Beta release 1 ^(3.5.20404.0^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.20706.1" SET VerboseName=3.5 Beta release 2 ^(3.5.20706.1^()
IF "%~1"=="3.5.21022.8" SET VerboseName=3.5 Original release ^(3.5.21022.8^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.30428.1" SET VerboseName=3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta release ^(3.5.30428.1^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.30729.1" SET VerboseName=3.5 Service Pack 1 ^(3.5.30729.1^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.30729.01" SET VerboseName=3.5 Service Pack 1 ^(3.5.30729.01^)
IF "%~1"=="3.5.30729.4926" SET VerboseName=3.5 Service Pack 1 Windows 7 ^(3.5.30729.4926^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.20506" SET VerboseName=4.0 Beta release 1 ^(4.0.20506^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.21006" SET VerboseName=4.0 Beta release 2 ^(4.0.21006^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30128.1" SET VerboseName=4.0 Release Candidate ^(4.0.30128.1^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.0" SET VerboseName=4.0 Original release ^(4.0.30319.0^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.1" SET VerboseName=4.0 Original release ^(4.0.30319.1^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.17020" SET VerboseName=4.5 Developer Preview ^(4.0.30319.17020^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.17379" SET VerboseName=4.5 Beta release Consumer Preview ^(4.0.30319.17379^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.17626" SET VerboseName=4.5 Release Candidate ^(4.0.30319.17626^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.17929" SET VerboseName=4.5 Original release ^(4.0.30319.17929^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.18033" SET VerboseName=4.5 January 2013 Update ^(4.0.30319.18033^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.18046" SET VerboseName=4.5 May 2013 Update ^(4.0.30319.18046^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.18408" SET VerboseName=4.5.1 October 2013 Update ^(4.0.30319.18408^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.18444" SET VerboseName=4.5.1 February 2014 Update ^(4.0.30319.18444^)
IF "%~1"=="4.0.30319.34209" SET VerboseName=4.5.2 May 2014 Update ^(4.0.30319.34209^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.40805" SET VerboseName=4.5 Developer Preview ^(4.5.40805^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.50131" SET VerboseName=4.5 Beta release Consumer Preview ^(4.5.50131^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.50501" SET VerboseName=4.5 Release Candidate ^(4.5.50501^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.50709" SET VerboseName=4.5 Original release ^(4.5.50709^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.51641" SET VerboseName=4.5.1 October 2013 Update ^(4.5.51641^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.51641" SET VerboseName=4.5.1 February 2014 Update ^(4.5.51641^)
IF "%~1"=="4.5.51650" SET VerboseName=4.5.2 May 2014 Update ^(4.5.51650^)
ECHO .NET Framework %VerboseName%
SET VerboseName=
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0116 seconds