(view source code of fixwordunreadablecontent.cs as plain text)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using unoidl.com.sun.star.beans;
using unoidl.com.sun.star.frame;
using unoidl.com.sun.star.lang;
using unoidl.com.sun.star.uno;
namespace RobvanderWoude
internal class FixWordUnreadableContent
static readonly string progver = "1.00";
static int Main( string[] args )
string fileIn, fileOut;
#region Command Line Arguments
if ( args.Length != 1 || args[0] == "/?" )
return ShowHelp( );
fileIn = Path.GetFullPath( args[0] );
if ( !Path.GetExtension( fileIn ).Equals( ".odt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return ShowHelp( "Invalid input file type/extension" );
if ( !File.Exists( fileIn ) )
return ShowHelp( "Input file does not exist" );
if ( !Directory.GetParent( fileIn ).Exists )
return ShowHelp( "Parent folder of input file does not exist" );
fileOut = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( fileIn ), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( fileIn ) + ".repaired.docx" );
#endregion Command Line Arguments
#region Requirements
if ( typeof( XComponentContext ) == null )
return ShowHelp( "OpenOffice/LibreOffice SDK was not found." );
#endregion Requirements
bool success = SaveRepairedDocx( fileIn, fileOut );
if ( !success )
return ShowHelp( "Could not repair and save the file" );
return 0;
static bool SaveRepairedDocx( string fileIn, string fileOut )
// The main functionality uses OpenOffice's UNO components
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Network_Objects
string urlIn = "file:///" + Path.GetFullPath( fileIn ).Replace( "\\", "/" );
string urlOut = "file:///" + Path.GetFullPath( fileOut ).Replace( "\\", "/" );
XComponentContext unoBootstrap = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap( );
XMultiServiceFactory unoServiceMan = (XMultiServiceFactory)unoBootstrap.getServiceManager( );
XComponentLoader unoDesk = (XComponentLoader)unoServiceMan.createInstance( "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop" );
PropertyValue[] inputProperties = new PropertyValue[1];
inputProperties[0] = new PropertyValue( );
inputProperties[0].Name = "Hidden";
inputProperties[0].Value = new uno.Any( true );
XComponent unoDoc = unoDesk.loadComponentFromURL( urlIn, "_blank", 0, inputProperties );
PropertyValue[] outputProperties = new PropertyValue[1];
outputProperties[0] = new PropertyValue( );
outputProperties[0].Name = "FilterName";
outputProperties[0].Value = new uno.Any( "MS Word 2007 XML" );
( (XStorable)unoDoc ).storeToURL( urlOut, outputProperties );
( (XComponent)unoDoc ).dispose( );
unoDoc = null;
return true;
catch ( unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.Exception )
return false;
#region Error Handling
public static int ShowHelp( params string[] errmsg )
#region Error Message
if ( errmsg.Length > 0 )
List<string> errargs = new List<string>( errmsg );
errargs.RemoveAt( 0 );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.Write( "ERROR:\t" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( errmsg[0], errargs.ToArray( ) );
Console.ResetColor( );
#endregion Error Message
#region Help Text
FixWordUnreadableContent.exe, Version 1.00
Use LibreOffice/OpenOffice to fix Word documents with unreadable content
Usage: FixWordUnreadableContent.exe inputfile
Where: inputfile is the Word file to be repaired
Notes: If the program successfully repaired the Word document with
unreadable content, it saves it with the same name and location,
replacing the .docx extension by .repaired.docx
The repaired document will miss the corrupted parts, but will at
least be editable without "unreadable content" error message.
Requires LibreOffice or OpenOffice, its SDK and a Java runtime.
Tested with LibreOffice and Java 22.0.1+8-16.
Return code ("Errorlevel") 1 in case of errors, otherwise 0.
Written by Rob van der Woude
#endregion Help Text
#region Display Help Text
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "FixWordUnreadableContent.exe, Version {0}", progver );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Use LibreOffice/OpenOffice to fix Word documents with unreadable content" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Usage: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "FixWordUnreadableContent.exe inputfile" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Where: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "inputfile" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " is the Word file to be repaired" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Notes: If the program successfully repaired the Word document with" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " unreadable content, it saves it with the same name and location," );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " replacing the .docx extension by .repaired.docx" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " The repaired document will miss the corrupted parts, but will at" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " least be editable without \"unreadable content\" error message." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Requires LibreOffice or OpenOffice, its SDK and a Java runtime." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Tested with LibreOffice and Java 22.0.1+8-16." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Return code (\"Errorlevel\") 1 in case of errors, otherwise 0." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "https://www.robvanderwoude.com" );
#endregion Display Help Text
return 1;
#endregion Error Handling
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0078 seconds