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Source code for login_log_access.kix

(view source code of login_log_access.kix as plain text)

  1. ; Get the current date in YYYYMMDD format
  2. $Today = "@YEAR" + Right( "0@MONTHNO", 2 ) + Right( "0@MDAYNO", 2 )
  3. ; Create the directory if it doesn't exist
  4. If Exist( "\\Server\Logs\$Today\*.*" ) = 0
  5. 	MD "\\Server\Logs\$Today"
  6. EndIf
  7. ; Log current computer access
  8. If RedirectOutput( "\\Server\Logs\$Today\@USERID.log" ) = 0
  10. 	$RC = RedirectOutput( "" )
  11. EndIf

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0052 seconds