(view source code of numlockicon.cs as plain text)
using System.Linq;
namespace RobvanderWoude
public class NumLockIcon : System.Windows.Forms.Form
static string progver = "1.03";
static string copyrightsyear = "2021";
#region Global Variables
private System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon numlockicon;
private System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu contextmenu;
private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuitemexit;
private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuitemsettings;
private System.Windows.Forms.Form formsettings;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textbox;
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox dropdowncoloroff;
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox dropdowncoloron;
private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox checkboxflashwhenoff;
private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox checkboxflashwhenon;
private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox checkboxhidewhenoff;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon> iconsoff;
private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon> iconson;
private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer;
private System.Drawing.Brush black = System.Drawing.Brushes.Black;
private bool numlock;
#endregion Global Variables
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main( )
System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles( );
System.Windows.Forms.Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault( false );
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run( new NumLockIcon( ) );
public NumLockIcon( )
ReadSettings( );
numlockicon = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon( );
// Determine which icon should be displayed
iconsoff = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon>( ) { CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, black, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF ), CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF, black ) };
iconson = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon>( ) { CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, black, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON ), CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON, black ) };
numlock = System.Console.NumberLock;
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconson[0];
// Context Menu
this.contextmenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu( );
// Context Menu: Settings
this.menuitemsettings = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem( "&Settings", new System.EventHandler( MenuItemSettings_Click ) );
this.contextmenu.MenuItems.Add( menuitemsettings );
// Context Menu: Exit
this.menuitemexit = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem( "E&xit", new System.EventHandler( MenuItemExit_Click ) );
this.contextmenu.MenuItems.Add( menuitemexit );
this.numlockicon.ContextMenu = this.contextmenu;
this.numlockicon.Visible = true;
// Timer for key monitoring interval
this.timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer( );
this.timer.Interval = 1000;
this.timer.Tick += new System.EventHandler( Timer_Tick );
this.timer.Start( );
// Store version information in the registry
if ( ReadRegValue( "Version", string.Empty ) != progver )
WriteRegValue( "Version", progver );
WriteRegValue( "URL", "https://www.robvanderwoude.com/csharpexamples.php#NumLockIcon" );
WriteRegValue( "Requirement", RequiredNetVersion( ) );
/// <summary>
/// Code to dynamically generate icons by Joshua Flanagan on CodeProject.com
/// https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7122/Dynamically-Generating-Icons-safely
/// </summary>
public System.Drawing.Icon CreateIcon( string text, System.Drawing.Brush fgcolor, System.Drawing.Brush bgcolor )
System.Drawing.Icon icon = null;
System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap( 16, 16 );
System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font( System.Drawing.FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold );
using ( System.Drawing.Graphics graphic = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage( bitmap ) )
graphic.FillEllipse( bgcolor, 0, 0, 16, 16 );
System.Drawing.SizeF textsize = graphic.MeasureString( text, font );
System.Single x = System.Convert.ToSingle( System.Math.Floor( ( bitmap.Width - textsize.Width ) / 2 ) );
System.Single y = System.Convert.ToSingle( System.Math.Ceiling( ( bitmap.Height - textsize.Height ) / 2 ) );
graphic.DrawString( text, font, fgcolor, x, y, System.Drawing.StringFormat.GenericDefault );
icon = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle( bitmap.GetHicon( ) );
return icon;
public System.Drawing.Size GetTextSize( string text )
return System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.MeasureText( text, formsettings.Font );
public void OpenURL( string url )
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startinfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo( url );
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( startinfo );
public void Quit( )
this.timer.Stop( );
this.timer.Dispose( );
this.numlockicon.Visible = false;
this.numlockicon.Dispose( );
System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit( );
public void ReadSettings( )
GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF = ReadRegValue( "FlashIfOFF", GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF );
GlobalSettings.FlashIfON = ReadRegValue( "FlashIfON", GlobalSettings.FlashIfON );
GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF = ReadRegValue( "HideIfOFF", GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF );
string currentcolor = GlobalSettings.Colors.Where( c => c.Value.Equals( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF ) ).First( ).Key; // requires System.Linq
GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF = GlobalSettings.Colors[ReadRegValue( "IndicatorColorOFF", currentcolor )];
currentcolor = GlobalSettings.Colors.Where( c => c.Value.Equals( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON ) ).First( ).Key; // requires System.Linq
GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON = GlobalSettings.Colors[ReadRegValue( "IndicatorColorON", currentcolor )];
GlobalSettings.IndicatorText = ReadRegValue( "IndicatorText", GlobalSettings.IndicatorText );
/// <summary>
/// Code to get the required .NET Framework version by Fernando Gonzalez Sanchez on StackOverflow.com
/// https://stackoverflow.com/a/18623516
/// </summary>
static string RequiredNetVersion( )
object[] list = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly( ).GetCustomAttributes( true );
var attribute = list.OfType<System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute>( ).First( ); // requires Linq
string frameworkname = attribute.FrameworkName;
string frameworkdisplayname = attribute.FrameworkDisplayName;
return frameworkdisplayname;
public void SaveSettings( )
// Adjust global settings
GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF = checkboxflashwhenoff.Checked && !checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked;
GlobalSettings.FlashIfON = checkboxflashwhenon.Checked;
GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF = checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked;
GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF = GlobalSettings.Colors[dropdowncoloroff.Text];
GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON = GlobalSettings.Colors[dropdowncoloron.Text];
if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( textbox.Text ) )
GlobalSettings.IndicatorText = textbox.Text.Trim( );
// Update program status
iconsoff = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon>( ) { CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, black, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF ), CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF, black ) };
iconson = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Drawing.Icon>( ) { CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, black, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON ), CreateIcon( GlobalSettings.IndicatorText, GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON, black ) };
// Save settings to registry
bool success = true;
success = success && WriteRegValue( "FlashIfOFF", GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF );
success = success && WriteRegValue( "FlashIfON", GlobalSettings.FlashIfON );
success = success && WriteRegValue( "HideIfOFF", GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF );
success = success && WriteRegValue( "IndicatorColorOFF", GlobalSettings.Colors.Where( c => c.Value.Equals( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF ) ).First( ).Key );
success = success && WriteRegValue( "IndicatorColorON", GlobalSettings.Colors.Where( c => c.Value.Equals( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON ) ).First( ).Key );
success = success && WriteRegValue( "IndicatorText", GlobalSettings.IndicatorText );
if ( success )
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "Settings were successfully stored in the registry", "Settings Saved", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information );
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "Unable to store the settings in the registry", "Error Saving Settings", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error );
// Close settings window
formsettings.Close( );
public void Settings( )
ReadSettings( );
System.Int32 column1width = 0;
System.Int32 column2width = 0;
System.Int32 rowheight = 30;
formsettings = new System.Windows.Forms.Form( );
formsettings.Text = string.Format( "NumLockIcon {0} Settings \u00A9 {1} Rob van der Woude", progver, copyrightsyear );
formsettings.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 500, 425 );
formsettings.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( System.Drawing.FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10F );
// Column 1 Row 1
System.Windows.Forms.Label labeltext = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labeltext.Text = "Indicator text";
column1width = System.Math.Max( column1width, GetTextSize( labeltext.Text ).Width );
labeltext.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 20, 20 );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labeltext );
// Column 1 Row 2
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelcoloroff = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelcoloroff.Text = "Indicator color when OFF";
labelcoloroff.AutoSize = true;
column1width = System.Math.Max( column1width, GetTextSize( labelcoloroff.Text ).Width );
labelcoloroff.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( labeltext.Location.X, labeltext.Location.Y + labeltext.Height + rowheight );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelcoloroff );
// Column 1 Row 3
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelcoloron = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelcoloron.Text = "Indicator color when ON";
labelcoloron.AutoSize = true;
column1width = System.Math.Max( column1width, GetTextSize( labelcoloron.Text ).Width );
labelcoloron.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( labelcoloroff.Location.X, labelcoloroff.Location.Y + labelcoloroff.Height + rowheight );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelcoloron );
// Column 2 Row 1
textbox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox( );
textbox.Text = GlobalSettings.IndicatorText;
textbox.MaxLength = 2;
textbox.SelectionStart = textbox.Text.Length;
textbox.SelectionLength = 0;
column2width = System.Math.Max( column2width, textbox.Width );
textbox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + 30, labeltext.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( textbox );
// Column 2 Row 2
dropdowncoloroff = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox( );
ComboboxItem item;
foreach ( string color in GlobalSettings.Colors.Keys )
item = new ComboboxItem( );
item.Text = color;
item.Value = GlobalSettings.Colors[color];
dropdowncoloroff.Items.Add( item );
dropdowncoloroff.SelectedIndex = GlobalSettings.Colors.Values.ToList<System.Drawing.Brush>( ).IndexOf( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorOFF ); // requires System.Linq
column2width = System.Math.Max( column2width, dropdowncoloroff.Width );
dropdowncoloroff.Enabled = !GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF;
dropdowncoloroff.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + 30, labelcoloroff.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( dropdowncoloroff );
// Column 2 Row 3
dropdowncoloron = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox( );
foreach ( string color in GlobalSettings.Colors.Keys )
item = new ComboboxItem( );
item.Text = color;
item.Value = GlobalSettings.Colors[color];
dropdowncoloron.Items.Add( item );
dropdowncoloron.SelectedIndex = GlobalSettings.Colors.Values.ToList<System.Drawing.Brush>( ).IndexOf( GlobalSettings.IndicatorColorON ); // requires System.Linq
column2width = System.Math.Max( column2width, dropdowncoloron.Width );
dropdowncoloron.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + 30, labelcoloron.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( dropdowncoloron );
// Column 3 Row 1
checkboxhidewhenoff = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox( );
checkboxhidewhenoff.Text = " Hide when OFF";
checkboxhidewhenoff.AutoSize = true;
checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked = GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF;
checkboxhidewhenoff.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + column2width + 50, textbox.Location.Y );
checkboxhidewhenoff.Click += Checkboxhidewhenoff_Click;
checkboxhidewhenoff.KeyPress += Checkboxhidewhenoff_KeyPress;
formsettings.Controls.Add( checkboxhidewhenoff );
// Column 3 Row 2
checkboxflashwhenoff = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox( );
checkboxflashwhenoff.Text = " Flash when OFF";
checkboxflashwhenoff.AutoSize = true;
checkboxflashwhenoff.Checked = GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF && !GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF;
checkboxflashwhenoff.Enabled = !GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF;
checkboxflashwhenoff.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + column2width + 50, dropdowncoloroff.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( checkboxflashwhenoff );
// Column 3 Row 3
checkboxflashwhenon = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox( );
checkboxflashwhenon.Text = " Flash when ON";
checkboxflashwhenon.AutoSize = true;
checkboxflashwhenon.Checked = GlobalSettings.FlashIfON;
checkboxflashwhenon.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( column1width + column2width + 50, dropdowncoloron.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( checkboxflashwhenon );
// Buttons
System.Windows.Forms.Button buttonsave = new System.Windows.Forms.Button( );
buttonsave.Text = "Save";
buttonsave.Click += new System.EventHandler( ButtonSave_Click );
buttonsave.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 100, 32 );
buttonsave.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( formsettings.ClientSize.Width / 2 - buttonsave.Width - 20, labelcoloron.Location.Y + 2 * rowheight );
formsettings.Controls.Add( buttonsave );
System.Windows.Forms.Button buttoncancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button( );
buttoncancel.Text = "Cancel";
buttoncancel.Click += new System.EventHandler( ButtonCancel_Click );
buttoncancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 100, 32 );
buttoncancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( formsettings.ClientSize.Width / 2 + 20, buttonsave.Location.Y );
formsettings.Controls.Add( buttoncancel );
// URLs
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelurlrvdw = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelurlrvdw.Text = "Written by Rob van der Woude\nhttps://www.robvanderwoude.com";
labelurlrvdw.Click += new System.EventHandler( LabelUrlRvdw_Click );
labelurlrvdw.AutoSize = true;
labelurlrvdw.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 20, buttonsave.Location.Y + 2 * rowheight );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelurlrvdw );
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelurljficos = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelurljficos.Text = "Code to dynamically generate icons by Joshua Flanagan on CodeProject.com\nhttps://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7122/Dynamically-Generating-Icons-safely";
labelurljficos.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( labelurljficos.Font.FontFamily, labelurljficos.Font.Size * 0.9F, labelurljficos.Font.Style );
labelurljficos.Click += new System.EventHandler( LabelUrlJfIcos_Click );
labelurljficos.AutoSize = true;
labelurljficos.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 20, System.Convert.ToInt32( labelurlrvdw.Location.Y + 1.5 * rowheight ) );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelurljficos );
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelurlchw = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelurlchw.Text = "Code to hide main form by Chriz on StackOverflow.com\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/11831856";
labelurlchw.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( labelurlchw.Font.FontFamily, labelurlchw.Font.Size * 0.9F, labelurlchw.Font.Style );
labelurlchw.Click += new System.EventHandler( LabelUrlChw_Click );
labelurlchw.AutoSize = true;
labelurlchw.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 20, System.Convert.ToInt32( labelurljficos.Location.Y + 1.1 * rowheight ) );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelurlchw );
System.Windows.Forms.Label labelurlfgs = new System.Windows.Forms.Label( );
labelurlfgs.Text = "Code to get the required .NET Framework version by Fernando Gonzalez Sanchez\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/18623516";
labelurlfgs.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( labelurlfgs.Font.FontFamily, labelurlfgs.Font.Size * 0.9F, labelurlfgs.Font.Style );
labelurlfgs.Click += new System.EventHandler( LabelUrlFgs_Click );
labelurlfgs.AutoSize = true;
labelurlfgs.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 20, System.Convert.ToInt32( labelurlchw.Location.Y + 1.1 * rowheight ) );
formsettings.Controls.Add( labelurlfgs );
formsettings.Show( );
public void UpdateSettingsUI( )
dropdowncoloroff.Enabled = !checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked;
checkboxflashwhenoff.Enabled = !checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked;
checkboxflashwhenoff.Checked = checkboxflashwhenoff.Checked && !checkboxhidewhenoff.Checked;
#region Registry
static bool ReadRegValue( string name, bool current )
bool value = false;
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regkey = null;
regkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\RobvanderWoude\\NumLockIcon", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree );
value = ( regkey.GetValue( name, ( current ? 1 : 0 ) ).ToString( ) == "1" );
regkey.Close( );
return value;
catch ( System.Exception )
if ( regkey != null )
regkey.Close( );
return false;
static string ReadRegValue( string name, string current )
string value = current;
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regkey = null;
regkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\RobvanderWoude\\NumLockIcon", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree );
value = regkey.GetValue( name, current ).ToString( );
regkey.Close( );
catch ( System.Exception )
if ( regkey != null )
regkey.Close( );
return value;
static bool WriteRegValue( string name, bool value )
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regkey = null;
regkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\RobvanderWoude\\NumLockIcon", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree );
regkey.SetValue( name, ( value ? 1 : 0 ), Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord );
regkey.Close( );
return true;
catch ( System.Exception )
if ( regkey != null )
regkey.Close( );
return false;
static bool WriteRegValue( string name, string value )
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regkey = null;
regkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey( "SOFTWARE\\RobvanderWoude\\NumLockIcon", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree );
regkey.SetValue( name, value, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String );
regkey.Close( );
return true;
catch ( System.Exception )
if ( regkey != null )
regkey.Close( );
return false;
#endregion Registry
#region Event Handlers
private void ButtonCancel_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
formsettings.Close( );
private void ButtonSave_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
SaveSettings( );
private void Checkboxhidewhenoff_KeyPress( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e )
UpdateSettingsUI( );
private void Checkboxhidewhenoff_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
UpdateSettingsUI( );
private void LabelUrlChw_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
OpenURL( "https://stackoverflow.com/a/11831856" );
private void LabelUrlFgs_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
OpenURL( "https://stackoverflow.com/a/18623516" );
private void LabelUrlJfIcos_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
OpenURL( "https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7122/Dynamically-Generating-Icons-safely" );
private void LabelUrlRvdw_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e )
OpenURL( "https://www.robvanderwoude.com/" );
private void MenuItemExit_Click( System.Object Sender, System.EventArgs e )
Quit( );
private void MenuItemSettings_Click( System.Object Sender, System.EventArgs e )
Settings( );
private void Timer_Tick( System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e )
numlock = System.Console.NumberLock;
if ( numlock )
this.numlockicon.Visible = true;
if ( GlobalSettings.FlashIfON )
if ( this.numlockicon.Icon.Equals( iconson[0] ) )
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconson[1];
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconson[0];
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconson[0];
if ( GlobalSettings.HideIfOFF )
this.numlockicon.Visible = false;
this.numlockicon.Visible = true;
if ( GlobalSettings.FlashIfOFF )
if ( this.numlockicon.Icon.Equals( iconsoff[0] ) )
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconsoff[1];
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconsoff[0];
this.numlockicon.Icon = iconsoff[0];
#endregion Event Handlers
#region Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Code to hide main form by Chriz on StackOverflow.com
/// https://stackoverflow.com/a/11831856
/// </summary>
protected override void OnLoad( System.EventArgs e )
Visible = false; // Hide form window.
ShowInTaskbar = false; // Remove from taskbar.
Opacity = 0;
base.OnLoad( e );
protected override void OnClosed( System.EventArgs e )
Quit( );
base.OnClosed( e );
#endregion Overrides
public static class GlobalSettings
private static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Drawing.Brush> _colors = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Drawing.Brush>( ) { { "LightCyan", System.Drawing.Brushes.LightCyan }, { "LightGreen", System.Drawing.Brushes.LightGreen }, { "Orange", System.Drawing.Brushes.Orange }, { "Red", System.Drawing.Brushes.Red }, { "Yellow", System.Drawing.Brushes.Yellow } };
public static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Drawing.Brush> Colors
return _colors;
private static string _indicatortext = "N";
public static string IndicatorText
return _indicatortext;
_indicatortext = value;
private static bool _flashifoff = false;
public static bool FlashIfOFF
return _flashifoff;
_flashifoff = value;
private static bool _flashifon = false;
public static bool FlashIfON
return _flashifon;
_flashifon = value;
private static bool _hideifoff = false;
public static bool HideIfOFF
return _hideifoff;
_hideifoff = value;
private static System.Drawing.Brush _indicatorcoloroff = System.Drawing.Brushes.LightGreen;
public static System.Drawing.Brush IndicatorColorOFF
return _indicatorcoloroff;
_indicatorcoloroff = value;
private static System.Drawing.Brush _indicatorcoloron = System.Drawing.Brushes.Yellow;
public static System.Drawing.Brush IndicatorColorON
return _indicatorcoloron;
_indicatorcoloron = value;
public class ComboboxItem
public System.String Text
get; set;
public System.Object Value
get; set;
public override System.String ToString( )
return Text;
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0201 seconds