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Source code for rndclass.vbs

(view source code of rndclass.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim intRequests
  5. intRequests = 10
  6. Test
  8. intRequests =  0
  9. Test
  12. Sub Test( )
  13. 	' This is a demo/test subroutine for the Random class
  14. 	Dim arrTest, clsRandom, i, intTest
  16. 	Set clsRandom = New Random
  17. 	clsRandom.LowerLimit  = 1
  18. 	clsRandom.UpperLimit  = 6
  19. 	clsRandom.NumRequests = intRequests
  20. 	clsRandom.Query
  22. 	WScript.Echo "Version    : " & clsRandom.Version
  23. 	WScript.Echo "NumRequests: " & intRequests
  24. 	WScript.Echo "Lower Limit: " & clsRandom.LowerLimit
  25. 	WScript.Echo "Upper Limit: " & clsRandom.UpperLimit
  26. 	WScript.Echo "Error      : " & clsRandom.Error & vbCrLf
  28. 	intTest = 0
  29. 	arrTest = clsRandom.Result
  30. 	If IsNumeric( arrTest(0) ) Then
  31. 		For i = 0 To clsRandom.NumRequests -1
  32. 			WScript.Echo "Result " & i & "   : " & arrTest(i)
  33. 			intTest = intTest + arrTest(i)
  34. 		Next
  35. 		WScript.Echo "Average    : " & ( intTest / clsRandom.NumRequests )
  36. 	End If
  37. 	WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "Debug Info : " & clsRandom.Debug & vbCrLf
  39. 	Set clsRandom = Nothing
  40. End Sub
  43. Class Random
  44. ' This class uses to retrieve true random integers
  45. '
  46. ' Properties:
  47. ' Busy        R   [boolean]   If TRUE results aren't available yet
  48. ' Debug       R   [string]    Debugging information
  49. ' Error       R   [boolean]   If TRUE check Debug property for description
  50. ' LowerLimit  R/W [integer]   Lower limit of the integer to be returned
  51. ' NumRequests R/W [integer]   Number of integers to be returned (default=1)
  52. ' Result      R   [array int] Resulting random integers
  53. ' UpperLimit  R/W [integer]   Upper limit of the integer to be returned
  54. ' Version     R   [string]    This class' version number
  55. '
  56. ' Methods:
  57. ' Query( )        Start the request for (a) new random integer(s)
  58. ' Init( )         Reset all properties
  59. '
  60. ' Change Log:
  61. ' August 12, 2007               First public release
  62. '
  63. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  64. '
  66. 	' Local variables holding the values for for the public properties
  67. 	Private m_LowerLimit, m_UpperLimit, m_NumRequests
  68. 	Private m_Result, m_Busy, m_Debug, m_Error, m_Version
  69. 	' Local variables for the Query subroutine (cannot use Private
  70. 	' inside a subroutine, and using Dim would expose the variables)
  71. 	Private arrResult, i, intStatus, objHTTP, strAgent, strResult, strURL
  73.     ' Initialize the variables when the class is initialized
  74. 	Private Sub Class_Initialize
  75. 		m_Debug   = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  76. 		          & "[" & Now & "] Class initialization started"
  77. 		m_Version = "1.00"
  78. 		Init
  79. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  80. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Class initialization ended normally"
  81. 	End Sub
  83.     ' Get the LowerLimit value
  84. 	Public Property Get LowerLimit
  85. 		m_Debug   = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  86. 		          & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value read (" & m_LowerLimit & ")"
  87. 		LowerLimit = m_LowerLimit
  88. 	End Property
  90. 	' Set the LowerLimit value
  91. 	Public Property Let LowerLimit( myLimit )
  92. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  93. 		         & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set LowerLimit value to " _
  94. 		         & myLimit & vbCrLf _
  95. 		         & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
  96. 		m_Result = Array( "N/A" )
  97. 		If IsNumeric( myLimit ) Then
  98. 			If CStr( CInt( myLimit ) ) = CStr( myLimit ) Then
  99. 				m_LowerLimit = myLimit
  100. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  101. 				        & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value set to " & myLimit
  102. 			Else
  103. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  104. 				        & "[" & Now & "] Specified LowerLimit (" _
  105. 				        & myLimit & ") is not an integer"
  106. 		        m_Error = True
  107. 			End If
  108. 		Else
  109. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  110. 			        & "[" & Now & "] Specified LowerLimit (" _
  111. 			        & myLimit & ") is not a number"
  112. 			m_Error = True
  113. 		End If
  114. 	End Property
  116. 	' Get the UpperLimit value
  117. 	Public Property Get UpperLimit
  118. 		m_Debug   = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  119. 		          & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value read (" & m_UpperLimit & ")"
  120. 		UpperLimit = m_UpperLimit
  121. 	End Property
  123. 	' Set the UpperLimit value
  124. 	Public Property Let UpperLimit( myLimit )
  125. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  126. 		         & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set UpperLimit value to " _
  127. 		         & myLimit & vbCrLf _
  128. 		         & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
  129. 		m_Result = Array( "N/A" )
  130. 		If IsNumeric( myLimit ) Then
  131. 			If CStr( CInt( myLimit ) ) = CStr( myLimit ) Then
  132. 				m_UpperLimit = myLimit
  133. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  134. 				        & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value set to " & myLimit
  135. 			Else
  136. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  137. 				        & "[" & Now & "] Specified UpperLimit (" _
  138. 				        & myLimit & ") is not an integer"
  139. 				m_Error = True
  140. 			End If
  141. 		Else
  142. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  143. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Specified UpperLimit (" _
  144. 		        & myLimit & ") is not a number"
  145. 			m_Error = True
  146. 		End If
  147. 	End Property
  149. 	' Get the NumRequests value
  150. 	Public Property Get NumRequests
  151. 		m_Debug     = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  152. 		            & "[" & Now & "] NumRequests value read (" & m_NumRequests & ")"
  153. 		NumRequests = m_NumRequests
  154. 	End Property
  156. 	' Set the NumRequests value
  157. 	Public Property Let NumRequests( myNum )
  158. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  159. 		         & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set NumRequests value to " _
  160. 		         & myNum & vbCrLf _
  161. 		         & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
  162. 		m_Result = Array( "N/A" )
  163. 		If IsNumeric( myNum ) Then
  164. 			If CStr( CInt( myNum ) ) = CStr( myNum ) And myNum > 0 Then
  165. 				m_NumRequests = myNum
  166. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  167. 				        & "[" & Now & "] NumRequests value set to " & myNum
  168. 			Else
  169. 				m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  170. 				        & "[" & Now & "] Specified NumRequests (" _
  171. 				        & myNum & ") is not an integer greater than zero"
  172. 				m_Error = True
  173. 			End If
  174. 		Else
  175. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  176. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Specified NumRequests (" _
  177. 		        & myNum & ") is not a number"
  178. 			m_Error = True
  179. 		End If
  180. 	End Property
  182.     ' Get the Busy value
  183. 	Public Property Get Busy
  184. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  185. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Busy value read (" & m_Busy & ")"
  186. 		Busy = m_Busy
  187. 	End Property
  189.     ' Get the Debug value
  190. 	Public Property Get Debug
  191. '		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  192. '		        & "[" & Now & "] Debug value read (" & m_Debug & ")"
  193. 		Debug   = m_Debug
  194. 	End Property
  196.     ' Get the Error value
  197. 	Public Property Get Error
  198. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  199. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Error value read (" & m_Error & ")"
  200. 		Error   = m_Error
  201. 	End Property
  203.     ' Get the Result value
  204. 	Public Property Get Result
  205. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  206. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Result value read (" & Join( m_Result, " " ) & ")"
  207. 		Result  = m_Result
  208. 	End Property
  210.     ' Get the Version value
  211. 	Public Property Get Version
  212. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  213. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Version value read (" & m_Version & ")"
  214. 		Version = m_Version
  215. 	End Property
  217. 	' Start the HTTP request to
  218. 	Public Sub Query( )
  219. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  220. 		         & "[" & Now & "] Query method started" & vbCrLf _
  221. 		         & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
  222. 		m_Result = Array( "N/A" )
  223. 		' Check if a valid LowerLimit was specified
  224. 		If Not IsNumeric( m_LowerLimit ) Then
  225. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  226. 			        & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value not set (" & m_LowerLimit & ")"
  227. 			m_Error = True
  228. 		End If
  229. 		' Check if a valid UpperLimit was specified
  230. 		If Not IsNumeric( m_UpperLimit ) Then
  231. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  232. 			        & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value not set (" & m_UpperLimit & ")"
  233. 			m_Error = True
  234. 		End If
  235. 		' Check for ANY error
  236. 		If m_Error Then
  237. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  238. 			        & "[" & Now & "] An error has occurred (Error=" _
  239. 			        & m_Error & ")" & vbCrLf _
  240. 			        & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
  241. 			m_Result      = Array( "N/A" )
  242. 			m_NumRequests = 1
  243. 			Exit Sub
  244. 		End If
  246. 		' Format the URL for a HTTP request to
  247. 		strURL   = "" _
  248. 		         & "?num=" & m_NumRequests _
  249. 		         & "&min=" & m_LowerLimit  _
  250. 		         & "&max=" & m_UpperLimit  _
  251. 		         & "&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new"
  252. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  253. 		         & "[" & Now & "] URL string set to:" & vbCrLf _
  254. 		         & Space(22) & """" & strURL & """"
  255. 		' User agent string (not critical)
  256. 		strAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MyApp 1.0; Windows NT 5.1)"
  257. 		m_Debug  = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  258. 		         & "[" & Now & "] Agent string set to:" & vbCrLf _
  259. 		         & Space(22) & """" & strAgent & """"
  261. 		' Prepare the HTTP request to
  262. 		On Error Resume Next
  263. 		Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
  264. 		If Err Then
  265. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  266. 			        & "[" & Now & "] Could not instantiate WinHTTPRequest object " _
  267. 			        & "(error: " & Err.Number & ")" & vbCrLf _
  268. 			        & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
  269. 			Exit Sub
  270. 		Else
  271. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  272. 			        & "[" & Now & "] WinHTTPRequest object instantiated successfully"
  273. 		End If
  274. 		objHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
  275. 		objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", strAgent
  277. 		' Set Busy status
  278. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  279. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Set Busy status"
  280. 		m_Busy = True
  282. 		' Send the HTTP request and store the results
  283. 		objHTTP.Send
  284. 		If Err Then
  285. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  286. 			        & "[" & Now & "] Error sending WinHTTPRequest"              & vbCrLf _
  287. 			        & Space(22) & "Error Number      : " & Err.Number           & vbCrLf _
  288. 			        & Space(22) & "Error Description : " & Err.Description      & vbCrLf _
  289. 			        & Space(22) & "Error Source      : " & Err.Source           & vbCrLf _
  290. 			        & Space(22) & "Returned Status   : " & objHTTP.Status       & vbCrLf _
  291. 			        & Space(22) & "Returned Response : " & objHTTP.ResponseText & vbCrLf _
  292. 			        & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
  293. 			Exit Sub
  294. 		Else
  295. 			intStatus = objHTTP.Status
  296. 			strResult = Trim( Replace( objHTTP.ResponseText, vbLf, " " ) )
  297. 			arrResult = Split( strResult )
  298. 			ReDim Preserve arrResult( m_NumRequests - 1 )
  299. 			m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  300. 			        & "[" & Now & "] WinHTTPRequest sent" & vbCrLf _
  301. 			        & Space(22) & "Returned Status   : " & intStatus & vbCrLf _
  302. 			        & Space(22) & "Returned Response : " & strResult
  303. 		End If
  305. 		On Error Goto 0
  307. 		If intStatus = 200 Then
  308. 			m_Result = arrResult
  309. 		Else
  310. 			' Debug info
  311. 			m_Result      = Array( "N/A" )
  312. 			m_NumRequests = 1
  313. 			m_Error       = True
  314. 		End If
  316. 		' Clear Busy status and release WinHTTPRequest object
  317. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  318. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Clear Busy status"
  319. 		m_Busy = False
  320. 		Set objHTTP = Nothing
  321. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  322. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Query method ended normally"
  323. 	End Sub
  325. 	' Reinitialize all properties
  326. 	Public Sub Init( )
  327. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  328. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Init method started"
  329. 		m_Busy        = False
  330. 		m_Error       = False
  331. 		m_LowerLimit  = "N/A"
  332. 		m_NumRequests = 1
  333. 		m_UpperLimit  = "N/A"
  334. 		m_Result      = Array( "N/A" )
  335. 		m_Debug = m_Debug & vbCrLf _
  336. 		        & "[" & Now & "] Init method ended normally"
  337. 	End Sub
  338. End Class

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