(view source code of rtf2txt.cs as plain text)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RobvanderWoude
internal class Rtf2Txt
static string progver = "1.00";
static int Main( string[] args )
Encoding encoding = null;
if ( args.Length == 0 || args.Length > 2 || args.Contains( "/?" ) )
return ShowHelp( );
if ( args.Contains( "/E", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return ListEncodings( );
string file = args[0];
if ( args.Length == 2 )
encoding = GetEncoding( args[1] );
if ( File.Exists( file ) && Path.GetExtension( file ).ToLower( ) == ".rtf" )
// Use a hidden RichTextBox to convert RTF to plain text, by Wendy Zang
// https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/6e56af9b-d7d3-49f3-9ec4-80edde3fe54b/reading-modifying-rtf-files?forum=csharpgeneral#a64345e9-cfcb-43be-ab18-c08fae02cb2a
RichTextBox rtbox = new RichTextBox( );
string rtftext = File.ReadAllText( file );
rtbox.Rtf = rtftext;
string plaintext = rtbox.Text;
if ( encoding == null )
Console.WriteLine( plaintext );
Encoding oldencoding = Console.OutputEncoding;
Console.OutputEncoding = encoding;
Console.WriteLine( plaintext );
Console.OutputEncoding = oldencoding;
return 0;
return ShowHelp( );
static Encoding GetEncoding( string myencoding )
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( myencoding ) )
return null;
// Get a list of available encodings
EncodingInfo[] encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings( );
// Try correctly spelled encodings first
foreach ( EncodingInfo encoding in encodings )
if ( encoding.Name.ToLower( ) == myencoding.ToLower( ) )
return Encoding.GetEncoding( encoding.CodePage );
// No direct match found, try again, ignoring dashes
foreach ( EncodingInfo encoding in encodings )
if ( encoding.Name.Replace( "-", "" ).ToLower( ) == myencoding.Replace( "-", "" ).ToLower( ) )
return Encoding.GetEncoding( encoding.CodePage );
// Still no match, try codepages
foreach ( EncodingInfo encoding in encodings )
if ( encoding.CodePage.ToString( ) == myencoding )
return Encoding.GetEncoding( encoding.CodePage );
// Still no match, giving up
return null;
static int ListEncodings( )
Console.Clear( );
// Console.Clear( ) throws an IO exception if the output is redirected
int columnwidth = 8;
EncodingInfo[] allencodings = Encoding.GetEncodings( );
List<string> allencodingnames = new List<string>( );
foreach ( EncodingInfo enc in allencodings )
allencodingnames.Add( enc.Name );
allencodingnames.Sort( );
foreach ( string enc in allencodingnames )
columnwidth = Math.Max( columnwidth, enc.Length );
Console.WriteLine( "{0,-" + columnwidth + "} {1}", "Encoding", "CodePage" );
Console.WriteLine( "{0,-" + columnwidth + "} {1}", "========", "========" );
foreach ( string enc in allencodingnames )
Console.WriteLine( "{0,-" + columnwidth + "} {1}", enc, GetEncoding( enc ).CodePage );
return 0;
static int ShowHelp( params string[] errmsg )
#region Error Message
if ( errmsg.Length > 0 )
List<string> errargs = new List<string>( errmsg );
errargs.RemoveAt( 0 );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.Write( "ERROR:\t" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( errmsg[0], errargs.ToArray( ) );
Console.ResetColor( );
#endregion Error Message
#region Help Text
Rtf2Txt.exe, Version 1.00
Return the plain text content of a Rich Text Format (.RTF) file
Usage: Rtf2Txt.exe rtffile [ encoding ]
or: Rtf2Txt.exe /E
Where: rtffile is the path of the file to be read (no wildcards,
only .rtf extension allowed)
encoding is the output encoding, e.g. UTF-8 to preserve
Unicode characters, or IBM437 to convert Unicode
doublequotes to ASCII
/E list all available encodings
Notes: If the specified encoding does not match any available encoding
name, the program will try again, ignoring dashes; if that does
not provide a match, the program will try matching the specified
encoding with the available encodings' codepages.
Return code ("errorlevel") 1 in case of errors, 0 on success.
Credits: Use hidden RichTextBox to convert RTF to plain text by Wendy Zang
Written by Rob van der Woude
#endregion Help Text
#region Display Help Text
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Rtf2Txt.exe, Version {0}", progver );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Return the plain text content of a Rich Text Format (.RTF) file" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Usage: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Rtf2Txt.exe rtffile [ encoding ]" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "or: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Rtf2Txt.exe /E" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.Write( "Where: " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "rtffile" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " is the path of the file to be read" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " (no wildcards, only .rtf extension allowed)" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " encoding" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.Write( " is the output encoding, e.g. " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "UTF-8" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " to preserve" );
Console.Error.Write( " Unicode characters, or " );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( "IBM437" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " to convert Unicode" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " doublequotes to ASCII" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.Error.Write( " /E" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " list all available encodings" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Notes: If the specified encoding does not match any available encoding" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " name, the program will try again, ignoring dashes; if that does" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " not provide a match, the program will try matching the specified" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " encoding with the available encodings' codepages." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " Return code (\"errorlevel\") 1 in case of errors, 0 on success." );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Credits: Use hidden RichTextBox to convert RTF to plain text by Wendy Zang" );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray;
Console.Error.WriteLine( " https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " /6e56af9b-d7d3-49f3-9ec4-80edde3fe54b/reading-modifying-rtf-files" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( " ?forum=csharpgeneral#a64345e9-cfcb-43be-ab18-c08fae02cb2a" );
Console.ResetColor( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );
Console.Error.WriteLine( "https://www.robvanderwoude.com" );
#endregion Display Help Text
return 1;
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0095 seconds