(view source code of savver.kix as plain text)
; AVVer.kix, Version 1.00
; Determine the exact version of the Symantec AntiVirus
; program file and the current definition files
; Written by Rob van der Woude
; http://www.robvanderwoude.com
; Note: This script and its author are in
; no way associated with Symantec.
; Determine the exact version of Symantec AntiVirus and the current definitions
$SAVDir1 = "C:\Program Files\SAV"
$SAVDir2 = "C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus"
$SAVDir3 = "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs"
$SAVVer = GetFileVersion( "$SAVDir1\Rtvscan.exe" ) + GetFileVersion( "$SAVDir2\Rtvscan.exe" )
$SAVDef = ReadProfileString( "$SAVDir3\definfo.dat", "DefDates", "CurDefs" )
; Display the result
? "Symantec AntiVirus version : $SAVVer"
? "Virus definitions version : $SAVDef"
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