(view source code of showconsole.ps as plain text)
# Based on code by Hansson0728 on StackOverflow.com:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/60005029
function Show-Console
param (
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )]
# Specifies the requested window state, either numeric (0..11) or by name (Hide, ShowNormal, ShowMinimized, ShowMaximized, Maximize, ShowNormalNoActivate, Show, Minimize, ShowMinNoActivate, ShowNoActivate, Restore, ShowDefault, ForceMinimized).
# Use the -List parameter for a list of values accepted by the -State parameter, and their meanings.
[ValidateSet( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 'Hide', 'ShowNormal', 'ShowMinimized', 'ShowMaximized', 'Maximize', 'ShowNormalNoActivate', 'Show', 'Minimize', 'ShowMinNoActivate', 'ShowNoActivate', 'Restore', 'ShowDefault', 'ForceMinimized' )]
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Hides the console window.
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Shows a list of accepted values for the -State parameter.
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Minimizes the console window.
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Restores the minimized console window to normal again.
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Makes the hidden console window visible again.
[Parameter( Position = 0 )]
# Shows help for the Show-Console command.
$WindowState = [ordered]@{
Hide = 0;
ShowNormal = 1;
ShowMinimized = 2;
ShowMaximized = 3;
Maximize = 3;
ShowNormalNoActivate = 4;
Show = 5;
Minimize = 6;
ShowMinNoActivate = 7;
ShowNoActivate = 8;
Restore = 9;
ShowDefault = 10;
ForceMinimized = 11
$newstate = -1
if ( $Hide ) {
$newstate = 0
} elseif ( $List ) {
"`nAccepted values for -State parameter, may be string or numeric:`n"
"{0,-22}{1}" -f "String", "Numeric"
"{0,-22}{1}" -f "======", "======="
$WindowState.Keys | ForEach-Object {
"{0,-22}{1,7}" -f $_, $WindowState[$_]
} elseif ( $Minimize ) {
$newstate = 6
} elseif ( $Restore ) {
$newstate = 9
} elseif ( $Show ) {
$newstate = 5
} elseif ( $State ) {
if ( -not ( [int]::TryParse( $State, [ref]$newstate ) ) ) {
$newstate = $WindowState[$State]
} else {
Get-Help Show-Console -Full
if ( -not ( "Console.Window" -as [type] ) ) {
Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition '
[DllImport( "Kernel32.dll" )]
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow( );
[DllImport( "user32.dll" )]
public static extern bool ShowWindow( IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow );
$consolePtr = [Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow( )
[void][Console.Window]::ShowWindow( $consolePtr, $newstate )
Manipulates the console window state
Use this command to manipulate the console window state, i.e. hide the console, minimize it, activate it, etc.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Show-Console.
PS> Show-Console -State Hide
hides the console
PS> Show-Console -State 0
hides the console
PS> Show-Console -Hide
hides the console
PS> Show-Console -State Show
makes the hidden console visible again
PS> Show-Console -State 5
makes the hidden console visible again
PS> Show-Console -Show
makes the hidden console visible again
PS> Show-Console -State Minimize
minimizes the console window
PS> Show-Console -Restore
restores the minimized console window to normal again
PS> Show-Console -List
lists all accepted values for the -State parameter
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0098 seconds