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Source code for stardate.rex

(view source code of stardate.rex as plain text)

  1. /* Convert current date and time to stardate */
  3. If Arg( 1, "E" ) Then Do
  4. 	Say
  5. 	Say "StarDate.rex,  Version 1.00"
  6. 	Say "Convert current date and time to stardate"
  7. 	Say
  8. 	Say "Usage:  <REXX>  STARDATE.REX"
  9. 	Say
  10. 	Say 'Where:  "<REXX>" is your Rexx interpreter:'
  11. 	Say "              - Windows:  REGINA.EXE or REXX.EXE, whichever is installed"
  12. 	Say "              - OS/2:     no need to specify, just rename script to *.cmd"
  13. 	Say
  14. 	Say "Based on an algorithm found on The StarTrek Gallery"
  15. 	Say ""
  16. 	Say
  17. 	Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
  18. 	Say ""
  19. 	Say
  20. End
  22. /* Current year */
  23. year = Left( Date( "S" ), 4 )
  25. /* Calculate fraction of current year */
  26. ydays = Date( "D" )
  28. /* Check for leap year */
  29. leapyear = 0
  30. If ( year //   4 ) = 0 Then leapyear = 1
  31. If ( year // 100 ) = 0 Then leapyear = 0
  32. If ( year // 400 ) = 0 Then leapyear = 1
  34. /* Calculate actual starsate */
  35. stardate = ( year - 2323 )||1000 * ydays % ( 365 + leapyear )||"."||Time( "M" ) % 144
  37. /* Display the result */
  38. Say
  39. Say "Stardate today is "||stardate

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