Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

News Archives 2018 Q3


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• I added filter and mask options to HideInput.exe.
Use the mask option (/M) to make the input conform to a mask (or template), and/or use the filter option (/F) to remove "forbidden" characters (special characters that are interpreted when used in commands) from the input.
OpenFileBox.exe, SaveFileBox.exe and OpenFolderBox.exe have been updated: they can now correctly handle a doublequoted path that ends with a trailing backslash.
MessageBox.exe has been updated: you can now skip arguments by using command line switches.
As a result, the help text became so long, it is now has to be displayed in two MessageBoxes.
HideInput.exe has been updated: the program uses a more advanced technique to read a line of text while hiding it, so it is no longer necessary to clear the screen/console buffer after typing the hidden input text.
As a bonus (?) the input now also accepts escape, tab and several other "special" characters.
FontSelectBox.exe is a new batch tool to present a font select dialog box.
Several command line options are available to customize the dialog, and to select what will be shown on screen and/or returned as "ErrorLevel".
BirdName.exe has been updated: a bug in escaping translated captions was fixed, and when in Debug Mode (/D) and if captions are missing, the program will assist you in adding those missing captions.
The latter change required many new captions, so if you use a custom language file you may want to run the program in Debug Mode right after updating it.
• A bug was found in BirdName.exe 3.03: the default class would not persist if "All" was selected; this has been fixed in version 3.04.
Besides the bug fix, the program has become more "forgiving" for incomplete language files: in case of missing captions, the program no longer deletes the language file, but uses the English texts for the missing captions.
BirdName.exe has been updated: its new optional /C switch allows you to select a different default class at program start.
Warning: backup any custom language files, as the updated program will delete the old ones (unless you manually add the required new SettingsDefaultClass=Default class caption before running the updated executable).
PrintScreen.exe has been updated: its new optional /U switch makes the program generate a unique file name for each screen capture (file name PrintScreenyyyyMMddHHmmssffffff.ext in current directory, e.g. PrintScreen20240919205334879425.ext)
DropDownBox.exe has been updated: the new optional command line switch /RO makes the program's return code ("ErrorLevel") equal the selected index, instead of /RI's selected index +1.
ColorSelectBox.exe is a new batch tool to present a color picker dialog box with the 16 standard console colors only.
The numeric value for the selected color is returned on screen and as "ErrorLevel", as a single hexadecimal digit by default (can be used in the COLOR command), or as RGB value by using the optional /R switch.
SaveFileBox.exe and OpenFolderBox.exe have been updated: like OpenFileBox.exe they will check the start folder path, if specified, for trailing dots or backslashes; like OpenFileBox they will still fail on a doublequoted path with trailing backslash, but at least their help texts will now explain how to prevent this error.
OpenFileBox.exe had a minor update too: its help text and that of SaveFileBox.exe now clearly explains that the program does not open or save the selected file, but only returns the file path to the calling batch file.
• Steve Nyhof found a bug in MessageBox.exe: the NoEscape argument would never work, because its value was used before it was set; this has now been corrected.

Thanks Steve
OpenFileBox.exe has been updated: it will check the start folder path, if specified, for trailing dots or backslashes; it will still fail on a doublequoted path with trailing backslash, but at least its help text will now explain how to prevent this error.
DateAdd.bat has been updated to correctly handle dates with spaces.
WGetIE.exe had a minor update: it is now compiled for "Any CPU", and its default (virtual) window size has been increased to 1,000,000 x 1,000,000 pixels.



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