News Archives 2022 Q1
CompareFiles.exe is a new tool to compare two files.
First it compares file sizes, when these don't match the files are different and the program aborts.
If the file sizes match, the timestamps are compared; if these don't match, and the
switch (
Timestamps) is
not used, the program wiil abort.
If the timestamps
do match, or the
switch is used, the program compares the MD5 checksums of the files.
The results are shown on screen and returned as "
errorlevels", see the programs
on-screen help for details.
An example of how to use it:
CompareFiles.exe file1 file2
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 ECHO An error occurred
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Files are different
CompareFiles.exe file1 file2
IF %ErrorLevel% LSS 0 ECHO An error occurred
IF %ErrorLevel% GTR 0 ECHO Files are different
IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 ECHO Files are identical
DefaultQuickEditMode.bat is a new batch file to get or set the default Quick-Edit mode for all consoles (may affect PowerShell consoles too).
QuickEditMode.exe has also been updated, it can now also change the default Quick-Edit mode for all consoles using the optional
• OK, one final (?) update for
Mause.exe: like the previous version it will disable the console's Quick-Edit mode, but the new version will restore the original Ouick-Edit state on exit.
QuickEditMode.exe is a new program to get or set the current console's Quick-Edit mode.
I wrote it to assist in testing
Mause.exe's intermittent problems with Quick-Edit mode.
QuickEditMode.exe does not display anything on screen, except its help text.
When run
without arguments ("get mode"),
QuickEditMode.exe's return code will tell you if Quick-Edit mode is on (1) or off (0).
With command line argument ("set mode"), you can either enable (1) or disable (0) Quick-Edit mode, and a return code 0 indicates success, -1 indicates failure.
An example of how to use it:
:: Detect initial Quick-Edit state
SET InitialQuickEditMode=%ErrorLevel%
:: Disable Quick-Edit mode for now
QuickEditMode.exe 0
(do your thing)
:: Restore initial Quick-Edit state
QuickEditMode.exe %InitialQuickEditMode%
• Speaking of
Mause.exe, while working on
QuickEditMode.exe I found and fixed the probable cause of Mause's problems: the logical operators I used were mixed up (swapped And and Or, ooooops).
Mause.exe has been updated again, still trying to prevent mouse clicks from selecting text if the console is in Quick-Edit mode (hard to reproduce, so a challenge to test).
Mause.exe has been updated, trying to prevent mouse clicks from selecting text in the console, which would halt all output until the Esc key is pressed.
• I added a new page on
validating variables in batch files, i.e. how to verify that a string matches a specific format, like hexadecimal, IPv6 address, IMEI number, etc.
DecToBin.bat is a new batch file using only CMD.EXE's internal commands to convert a decimal number to 31-bit binary.
It was derived from
DecToOct.bat, though without the check afterwards.
BinToDec.bat is a new batch file using only CMD.EXE's internal commands to convert a 31-bit binary number to decimal.
It is a simplified, completely rewritten version of
By the way, don't expect me to publish HexToDec.bat or OctToDec.bat, these you can easily implement yourself (hexadecimal to decimal:
SET /A 0x0%~1
and octal to decimal:
SET /A 0%~1
• A bug in
ToString.exe is fixed: it would trip when parsing time strings with a comma for decimal separator, even if that is the standard for the current culture.
The work-around was to add code that replaces any decimal separators with dots and tries parsing again.
So now
ToString.exe "{0:yyyyMMddTHHmmssfffzzz}" %Time%
will return
even on Dutch computers.
• Next update of
ToString.exe: it now also accepts redirected input for its arguments (template is still required on the command line), and will even work on multiple lines of redirected input.
DecToHex.bat and
DecToOct.bat have been updated: after displaying the results, the batch files perform a final check to see if those results are correct, and display a warning if not.
Dec2Hex.bat, a batch file using
for decimal to hexadecimal conversion, has been rewritten.
Its code is much simpler, and it now accepts any type of integer, as well as calculations on the command line, e.g.
Dec2Hex.bat 80 * 0x0200
The downside is that the input range is cut in half, from 0xFFFFFFFE down to 0x7FFFFFFF.
• Guess what:
DecToHex.bat could also be tremendously simplified, still using CMD.EXE's
internal commands only.
Since it now also accepts any type of integer, as well as calculations on the command line, and the input ranges of both batch files are equal, I'd say it beats
• From
DecToHex.bat to
DecToOct.bat (Decimal to Octal) required minimal modifications: divide by 8 instead of 16, and shift 3 bits instead of 4.
For example, the command ListVerbs.bat .odt
might return something like this:
Extension = .odt
File Type = Word.OpenDocumentText.12
Edit "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /vu "%1"
New "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /n /f "%1"
OnenotePrintto "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /j "%1" "%2"
Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /n "%1"
OpenAsReadOnly "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /h /n "%1"
Print "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /i "%1"
printto "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /j "%1" "%2"
ViewProtected "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /vp "%1"
Note: |
I know this looks different from my earlier example with the C# version, but that's because I just installed Microsoft Office 2021 which "hijacked" the .odt file type.
Try it, the output of both programs will look almost identical.
It will not come as a surprise, however, that the executable is much faster. |
• While working on
ListVerbs.exe had a minor update: in Verbose mode, its output text is now properly aligned in columns.
CheckVarsVBS.exe has been updated:
- it now correctly handles
and Private
declarations, besides Dim
statements (brought to my attention by Joe Caverly)
- it now ignores all JavaScript code in HTAs
- it no longer treats array length declarations as variables (e.g.
Dim myarray(11)
will be interpreted as variable myarray
but not variable 11
Thanks Joe
• I admit I never suspected to ever need it, but I did: I had to add
floppy disk drives to the detected hardware in
Drives.exe has been updated: the new version will return more details for local floppy and harddisk drives when the
switch is used.
ListVerbs.exe is a new program to find the shell verbs for a specified file type.
To find verbs for use in PowerShell or C# you can use normal mode, which will list the verb
names only.
For use with batch files, use verbose mode (
switch) to get the
command lines for the available verbs.
For example, the command ListVerbs.exe .odt /V
might return something like this:
Extension = .odt
File Type = LibreOffice.WriterDocument.1 (OpenDocument Text)
new "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" -n "%1"
open "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" -o "%1"
print "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" -p "%1"
printto "C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\soffice.exe" -pt "%2" "%1"
• And the most recent addition to the *2Txt series is
Epub2Txt.exe, a new program to extract plain text from EPUB files and send it to the console.
WPD2Txt.exe is a first attempt at extracting plain text from a WordPerfect file.
It is far from perfect, the extracted text contains lots of "garbage" and most accented characters are lost.
I modified the information I found on the
WordPerfect file format by Dan Tobias, to correct for spaces, linefeeds and é, but more modifications will be required for accented characters.
Thanks Dan and coeditors
WPD2Txt.exe's functionality has also been integrated in
With Word installed, WordPerfect files will be converted
way better than without Word.
Word2Txt.exe has been updated with
Rtf2Txt.exe's functionality.
So now it can handle
any file format recognized by Word if Word is installed, otherwise it can still handle .DOC, .DOCX, .ODT and .RTF files.
ODT2Txt.exe is a new program to read the plain text from an OpenOffice .ODT file without requiring OpenOffice.
Its code has been used in
Word2Txt.exe too.
• Both
Word2Txt.exe and
Docx2Txt.exe have been updated:
- better handling of paragraphs, list items and headers
- now capable of handling OpenOffice .ODT files, with or without Word
- more output encoding options
Word2Txt.exe is a new program, combining a stripped down version of
Word2Any.exe, and
Doc2Txt.exe and
If Word is available, the program will use Word to extract plain text from the specified document (which may have any format recognized by Word), if Word isn't available it will use one of the alternative approaches for .DOC and .DOCX files only.
Doc2Txt.exe is a new program to extract the unformated text from a .DOC Word file, without requiring Word.
From the outside, it looks similar to
Docx2Txt.exe, but the different Word file formats .DOC and .DOCX require completely different approaches.
Docx2Txt reads a .DOCX file as a ZIP file containing the text file, whereas Doc2Txt treats .DOC files more or less as "garbled text", using regular expressions to extract only the required plain text.
• I added a PowerShell snippet I'm rather proud of:
Calculate Easter date for any year in 6 lines of code (plus several more for comments, parameter handling and presentation of results; most relevant lines are 3, 4, 11, 13, 15 and 17).
I have seen many pieces of code, including my own
Easter.bat, that most people, including myself, will never understand, but I hope this PowerShell code
does make some sense 🤓
Docx2Txt.exe is a new program to extract the unformated text from a .DOCX Word file, without requiring Word.
It treats the Word file as a ZIP file (this works with .DOCX format but
not with .DOC), reads the content of Word\document.xml, and removes the XML tags.
Word2OpenOffice.exe is a simple console program to convert Word documents (.doc and .docx only) to OpenOffice (.odt) format.
It is basically a stripped down version of
Word2Any.exe, with limited input formats and a single output format.
• Oops, a bug in
GetSystemInformation.exe was fixed: it still accepts wildcards, but the specified argument must now match the
complete property name, not just part of it (e.g.
GetSystemInformation.exe window*
will no longer return a match, while the previous version did return
, etc.).
• I wish you all a happy and healthy new year.
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