Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Batch Files: Examples (B)

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Batch file examples
💾 Name Version Description OS (1) Last modified Remarks
💾 BackupScheduledTasks.bat 1.02 Backup and restore scheduled tasks from Task Scheduler's root folder W7 2015-04-09 Requires SCHTASKS
💾 BattRun.bat 1.00 Display a warning message if a program is launched while the computer is running on battery power XP 2007-08-23 Requires WMIC
💾 BattStat.bat 1.00 Display battery status XP 2006-10-04 Requires WMIC
💾 Bin2Dec.bat   Convert binary numbers to decimal NT 2007-10-20 Requires FINDSTR from the Resource Kit for Windows NT4.
💾 Bin2Dec.bat 1.00 Convert binary numbers to decimal NT 2010-07-15 Requires PHP 5.2
💾 Bin2Hex.bat   Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal NT 2010-07-15 Requires PHP
💾 BinToDec.bat 1.00 Convert a 31-bit binary number to decimal NT 2022-03-13 This batch file uses CMD.EXE's internal commands only.
💾 BIOSDate.bat 1.00 Display BIOS date DOS 2003-03-09 Requires DEBUG.
Original idea by ComputerHope.
Available as Perl and Rexx scripts too.
💾 BIOSDate.cmd 1.00 Display BIOS date NT 2003-03-09 Requires DEBUG.
Original idea by ComputerHope.
Available as Perl and Rexx scripts too.
💾 BirdName.bat   Get the scientific name and several translations for a specified Dutch bird name NT 2011-12-01 Requires FINDSTR and WGetTxt.vbs
💾 BkAllDrv.bat 1.06 Backup all device drivers W2K 2004-01-10 Also available as KiXtart, Perl and Rexx scripts.
These scripts all require Microsoft's DEVCON utility.
💾 BootDisk.bat 1.01 Determine the boot disk, partition and drive letter XP 2012-01-07 Requires WMIC
💾 BootDriv.bat   Determine which drive DOS booted from All 2006-10-26 Also available as OS/2 Rexx, Regina Rexx and VBScript scripts.
💾 BootIni.bat 1.00 Change boot menu timeout value in BOOT.INI to 5 seconds NT 2001-03-06 Incorrect changes to BOOT.INI may result in a system that won't boot anymore.
Use entirely at your own risk!.
💾 BootIni2.bat 2.01 Add /NoSerialMice switch to [Operating Systems] keys in BOOT.INI NT 2001-04-05 Incorrect changes to BOOT.INI may result in a system that won't boot anymore.
Use entirely at your own risk!.
💾 BootIniGUI.bat   Edit BOOT.INI's values in GUI mode NT 2001-05-12 Incorrect changes to BOOT.INI may result in a system that won't boot anymore.
Use entirely at your own risk!.
💾 BootState.bat 1.04 Show Windows' boot state, e.g. Normal, Safe mode, Windows PE XP 2017-11-08 Requires WMIC


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Notes: (1) Operating System version these batch files were written for
All No version specific commands are used, though it is (obviously) not tested with every DOS version available
95 Windows 95 (and probably Windows 98 as well)
98 Windows 98
DOS3 MS-DOS 3 and 4
DOS6+ MS-DOS 6 and later
NT Windows NT 4 and later
NT4 Windows NT 4 (Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition too)
W2K Windows 2000 and later
XP Windows XP
W2K3 Windows Server 2003
W2K8 Windows Server 2008
W10 Windows 10
WV Windows Vista
W2K8R2 Windows Server 2008 Release 2
W7 Windows 7
OS2 OS/2 Warp
TS Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 200* with Terminal Services

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